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Our specialists are experts in treating aortic disease. To learn more about our services, call 310-206-6294.

UCLA Real Questions about the UCLA Aortic Center

Keywords in this section: Aortic center, Aortic disease, Aortic aneurysm, Aortic occlusive disease, Aortic dissections, Aortic surgery, Endovascular Aortic Valve Surgery, Diagnostic imaging for aortic disease

The videos below include the following questions and answers:

  • What is an aortic dissection?
  • If an aortic dissection occurs, what is the surgical treatment?
  • What is type A aortic dissection?
  • What is type B aortic dissection?
  • What is the role of aortic stents in acute dissection?
  • I have a known connective tissue disorder that is associated with aortic complications. How will this affect my treatment?
  • What preoperative evaluations are required before aortic surgery?
  • Is there an age limit to safe aortic surgery?
  • What is the modern treatment of complex ruptures and dissections of the aorta?
  • How big are the devices needed to fix my aorta?
  • Is it possible to do less invasive approaches to both the ascending aorta as well as the transverse arch? And what would be the risk of brain injury?
  • How do we protect the brain?
  • What is a fenestrated stent graft?
  • What is a stent graft?
  • Can aortic aneurysms that are located next to the kidney or intestinal arteries be treated with stent grafts?
  • What cardiac conditions predispose to the development of aortic disorders?
  • What is the role of medical management in patients with acute aortic syndrome?
  • What is aortic occlusive disease?
  • What type of traumatic injuries can occur in the aorta?
  • How long will my scan take?
  • Can you check out my heart at the same time?
  • I'm worried about the amount of radiation I'll receive. What is the risk?
  • I'm told that I'm allergic to dye - can I still have the aortic scan?