Call for 2025 Cancer Center Symposium Posters

The UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center would like to invite graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and clinical fellows to submit an abstract for consideration for a poster display at the UCLA Health JCCC's Annual All Day Symposium on May 12, 2025. This is a great opportunity for students and fellows to share their cancer-focused research projects and network with colleagues. Details on how to submit a poster for display at the Symposium are below.
Guidelines for Poster Submission, Preparation and Display
The deadline for poster abstract submission is February 28. As there are a limited number of slots for posters, those whose poster are selected for display at the Symposium will be notified by March 17 of acceptance. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words, formatted in Microsoft Word, single-spaced, using size 12 Times New Roman font. All those selected for a poster display must register for the Symposium and are expected to attend the full day, as well as to be at their poster to answer questions and discuss their projects during the formal poster session. Registration for the Symposium is now open and RSVP is required. Please visit our Events Calendar for more information.
Submit your application via the button below. To access the application:
- UCLA Health/Mednet users: Please log in using single sign-on.
- All other users: Please create a new account by registering in InfoReady and follow the application steps.
If you encounter any issues signing in, via single-sign on please contact [email protected] for assistance.
- Posters should be set up no earlier than 7:00 a.m. but prior to 8:00 a.m. on May 12, 2025.
- Assigned poster location will be provided at check-in on the morning of the Symposium. When checking-in, notify us of your poster title, and we will direct you to your assigned location.
- Posters should remain displayed through the end of the Closing Session. Please do not remove your poster before this time.
- Posters should be taken down between 4:00–5:00 p.m.
- Any items remaining on display after 5:00 p.m., Monday, May 12 will be removed and discarded.
Display Space and Mounting Requirements
- Poster dimensions are 40 in x 40 in (width x height / 101.6 cm x 101.6 cm). All presenters must print and bring their paper posters on the day of Symposium.
- Because space is limited, only selected posters will be mounted on poster boards. You are responsible to mount your poster at the assigned location.
- Pushpins to affix your posters will also be available on-site, at check-in.
Poster Resources
Please see our UCLA library which provides a guide on creating posters.
Contact the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center's Office of Cancer Training and Education via email.