UCLA cancer researcher working in a lab

Funding Opportunities

The UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center has several intramural funding mechanisms, including our Fellowship Program that accepts applications annually for cancer-focused research projects from post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, and residents. The goal of the Fellowship Program is to provide research funding to pursue research projects and develop preliminary data needed to competitively apply for NIH F-type grants. The Cancer Center additionally maintains a webpage highlighting extramural cancer-focused funding opportunities.

  1. Fellowship Awards Program for Graduate Students, Postdocs, Residents and Clinical Fellows. Please visit our UCLA Bruine Learn external funding portal for information on the program and how to apply.
  2. Tumor Immunology T32 Training Program (post-doctoral) (Application Form)

CTSI Education and Training

Career Skills Development

UCLA Postdoc Professional Development Resources

Career Planning Resources

National Resources

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