UCLA and UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Templates and Resources

UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Resources
Pre-Award Services
The UCLA Health JCCC Research Administration Unit (RAU) provides pre-award support to principal investigators. We provide a comprehensive timeline tailored to their needs and specific grant application. We consider the time needed to prepare a strong application and highlight both the sponsor and OCGA deadlines. OCGA requires proposals to be submitted to the Proposal Intake Team via email for review and institutional approval at least five business days in advance for basic grants and at least ten business days in advance for team science and other larger grant mecha nisms. It is recommended to submit your application to OCGA as soon as possible to ensure a thorough review and increase the chances of a successful application.
Visit External Funding for more information.
Grant Resources and Templates
The RAU maintains a library of tools and resources to assist members with grant development. UCLA Health JCCC members can access our full library of grant resources through the members’ intranet portal.
Other Grant Requests
The RAU provides support for other grant requests such as assistance obtaining letters of support from the UCLA Health JCCC for cancer-relevant grant applications, help with Other Support entries, biosketches, etc. Please Genevieve Ortega-Alves via email for more information.
UCLA Resources
Office of Contracts and Grants Administration (OCGA)
The UCLA Office of Contract and Grant Administration assists the campus research community in reviewing, approving and submitting proposal applications and negotiating and executing contracts and grants from government and non-profit sponsors. OCGA has primary responsibility for the interpretation of University-wide and campus policy, sponsor guidelines, and applicable federal and state laws and regulations related to governmental and non-profit sponsored activities. OCGA also executes all outgoing Subawards issued under grants or collaborative agreements.
- UCLA Standard Information
Includes information on UCLA’s legal name, DUNS number, NIH Entity Identification Number, Congressional District, etc. [Go to website) - Human & Animal Research Subjects
Includes information on Institutional Review Board (IRB) & Human Subjects (HSPC) numbers as well as Animal Subjects (ARC) numbers. [Go to website]
Research Policy & Compliance
Research Policy and Compliance (RPC) provides leadership, regulatory expertise, professional guidance, and administrative support to the campus to promote the ethical conduct of research and to facilitate compliance with federal, state, University of California, and UCLA regulations and policies. [Go to website]
Compliance areas include:
- Review Committees
- Animal Research Committee (ARC)
- Conflict of Interest (COI)
- Dual Use Review Entity (DURE)
- High Containment
- Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
- Radiation Safety Committees (RSC)
- Other RPC Activities
- Chemical and Physical Safety Committee (CPSC)
- Export Control
- Foreign Engagement
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Safety Oversight Committee (OSOC)
- Research Misconduct and Responsible Conduct of Research
- Cannabis & Hemp Research
Office of the Human Research Protection Program (OHRPP)
The Office of the Human Research Protection Program (OHRPP) is the administrative arm of the UCLA Human Research Protection Program (HRPP). The OHRPP in partnership with the research community is responsible for ensuring the safety and welfare of participants in Human Research Projects conducted under the aegis of UCLA. The OHRPP, which is a Division within the Office of Research Administration, provides the campus and the five UCLA Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) with professional guidance and administrative support. [Go to website]
Office of Research Administration within the Department of Medicine
The mission of the Office of Research Administration within the Department of Medicine is to provide Department of Medicine-specific research administrative support to fund managers, managers, research staff, and Principal Investigators.
- Pre-Award Resources
- Resources and information relating to Pre-Award, provided by the Office of Research Administration within the Department of Medicine. Resources include budgets and general templates. [Go to website]
- Post-Award Resources
- Resources and information relating to Post-Award, provided by the Office of Research Administration within the Department of Medicine. [Go to website]
Clinical and Translational Science Institute
The UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (UCLA CTSI) is a research partnership of the University of California Los Angeles, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center/Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation. [Go to website]
Grant Support
The UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (UCLA CTSI) provides a variety of resources to support researchers in the development of their grant applications and potential funding sources. [Go to website]
Grants Submission Unit
The CTSI Grants Submission Unit (GSU) supports the grant application process, with particular emphasis on large and complex grants. Tools and services may include provision of grant writing outlines and detailed checklists of required components, project management and multi-site coordination, review and editing of grant narrative for consistency, clarity, and responsiveness to the FOA. [Go to website]
CTSI Funding Opportunities
The CTSI keeps a running list of new funding opportunities including diversity opportunities, opportunities from our partners, and training grant opportunities. [Go to website]
Training and Fellowship Grant Resources
UCLA Health JCCC Office of Cancer Training & Education
The UCLA Health JCCC Office of Cancer Training and Education serves as a coordination center for all educational activities at the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. We create innovative and complementary cancer-related programs for all trainee levels and help to organize rich and diverse initiatives across the UCLA campus and at affiliate and partner institutions. Please visit Funding Opportunities and Other Resources for more information.
UCLA Competitive Research Training Grant Programs
A list of active training programs in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. [Go to website]
NIH F32 Workgroup
UCLA Bioscience Postdoctoral Affairs offers an F32 Workgroup For NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship Writers. [Go to website]
Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) Training Boilerplates
UCLA Bioscience Postdoctoral Affairs offers boilerplate descriptions of Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) Training for NIH-type Individual Fellowship Applications and NIH-type Training Grant Applications. [Go to website]
Minerva Application for UCLA Training Programs in Biosciences
Minerva is a web application designed to support the administration of training programs for UCLA graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the biosciences. The application integrates information from relevant UCLA administrative systems with information stored locally to provide reports that serve a variety of academic and administrative audiences and needs. [Go to website]
CTSI Training Grant Resources
The CTSI Grants Submission Unit (GSU) supports elements of the NIH Institutional Training Grant (T32) application process in collaboration with Graduate Programs in Bioscience (GPB). [Go to website]
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