Translational Pathology Core Laboratory


The Translational Pathology Core Laboratory (TPCL) shared resource performs human tissue procurement, histology services, laser capture microdissection, immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence, data analysis, and pathology consultation services.


Clara Magyar
Clara Magyar

Contact Information

14-127 Center for Health Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1732

Telephone: 310-825-1717
Fax: 310-267-2104
Email: [email protected]

Major Services

  1. Human tissue procurement
    • Fresh remnant tissues from surgical resections
    • Clinical trial biospecimen procurement and processing (biopsies, biofluids)
    • Access to archived paraffin blocks
    • CAP accredited human tissue biorepository of frozen/paraffin embedded cancer specimens
  2. Histology services
    • Processing, embedding, cutting paraffin/cryostat sections, special stains
    • Both human and animal tissues
  3. Laser capture microdissection (sample preparation and training)
  4. Immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence
    • Established antibodies and optimization of new antibodies
    • Multiplexed immunofluorescence staining (up to 9 biomarkers)
  5. Digital pathology/image analysis
    • Brightfield/fluorescence whole slide scanning
    • Automated analysis of brightfield/fluorescence images (from any file type)
  6. Pathology consultation services
    • Study design, tissue selection, IRB advice, identification of cases within UCLA archives, slide interpretation

Operating Policies

The investigator submits a "Request for Services" form (available by email request); p39 for recharge and (depending on request) IRB approval is also required.

Drs. Ward and French are available to meet with each investigator to assist in "fine-tuning" critical details of the research requirements, optimal tissue sources (e.g., surgery, autopsy), and the method of preparation. Contact Dr. Magyar ([email protected]) to arrange consultations for digital image analysis.

Recharge Rates

ServiceJCCC Rate
Tissue procurement (per tissue)(Price varies according to
complexity and processing)
Histology H&E stain (per slide)$2
IHC/ISH (per slide/section/antibody)$25
TMA preparationPlease inquire
Digital slide scan (per slide 20x/40x), brightfield$7/$10
Digital slide scan (per slide 20x/40x), immunofluorescence(Price varies according to number of biomarkers and magnification)
Image analysis$25/hour
Pathology consultation$187/hour