Organize a Cancer Fundraiser

Start a Campus Fundraiser
Community partners of the UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation organize a variety of events to raise funds for cancer research at the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. These events range from school bake sales, to corporate golf tournaments, to fashion shows! Become a community partner to the Foundation and organize your own fundraising event. We'll provide the fundraising materials and resources you need to get started!
Getting Started
- Download and review the Event Guidelines below. Contact us if you have any questions!
- Download and fill out the Event Application Form, and return it to us for review.
- Start fundraising immediately by creating an online fundraiser.
- Contact us via email or at 310-206-0675 if you have any questions!
Tips and Suggestions
- Brainstorm Be creative! Virtual fundraising events of any type and scale are welcome.
- Plan Create a timeline, set your goals and decide on a date and time.
- Form a team Form an event committee; approach key supporters early on in the process.
- Paperwork Make sure you get the necessary approvals from your school, parents, and/or group.
- Spread the word! Use social media to tag the UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation and create a hashtag to get your participants involved.
- During the event Have fun!
- After the event Collect funds, thank your supporters and submit any photos and updates to the Foundation
Frequently Asked Questions
Who raises funds for the UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation?
People from all walks of life have donated countless hours to organize events that support the cancer center's most important work. Fundraising efforts of all scales and scope are welcome. Whether it's a social media campaign or a virtual concert, we are truly grateful for your dedication to improving the lives of cancer patients everywhere.
Showing your support to a friend or family member, expressing gratitude to one of the doctors on your UCLA team, or to honor a loved one's memory by increasing cancer awareness – these are some of the meaningful reasons that individuals from across the globe come together to support the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center's research to find better ways to prevent, treat, and ultimately cure cancer.
What kinds of activities?
Previous events have included concerts, bake sales, run/walks, fashion shows, coin drives, movie premiers, and more. We understand that we can't have in-person events right now, but we're happy to brainstorm with you and your group on virtual fundraising ideas!