Body Well-being: Sleep Management
Improving sleep during cancer treatment

Many people experience insomnia, shifting sleep schedules and changes in sleep patterns during cancer treatment. Sleep disturbances and trouble sleeping often result from the side effects of treatment, increased anxiety or pain associated with cancer. Although it can be challenging to get enough restful sleep, doing so can help you recover from treatments and feel better mentally and physically.
Our experienced team members specialize in helping people with cancer sleep better. Through our interactive sleep management workshop, we offer many strategies to make sleep more restful and plentiful. We also provide one-on-one sleep consultations for people who need more focused care.
Sleep Management Workshop
We offer a 90-minute sleep workshop via Zoom to help people with cancer-related sleep issues. During the workshop, we discuss cancer and cancer treatment side effects that impact sleep. We also review specific strategies to help you overcome a wide range of challenges. Throughout the interactive workshop, we encourage participants to ask questions and practice relaxation skills. We cover many topics, including:
- Breathwork, meditation, exercise and yoga to encourage sleep
- How sleep disruptions and fatigue affect the body and mind
- Food, drinks and medications that help or hinder sleep
- How stress, anxiety, depression and chronic pain affect sleep
- Improving sleep habits by using natural sunlight, reducing exposure to artificial light at bedtime and avoiding technology before bed
- Incorporating naps into your day without impacting nighttime sleep
- Positive self-coaching tips to help you fall back to sleep when you awaken at night
- Strategies for managing insomnia and going back to sleep, including lowering the room temperature to create an ideal sleeping environment
- What “normal” sleep patterns look like, as well as how various types of cancer and cancer treatments can impact sleep