Actively Recruiting
Phase 1/1b/2 Study of Oral PMD-026 in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer
Brief Summary
The purpose of this study is to test the safety and tolerability of PMD-026 in patients with metastatic breast cancer. PMD-026 is a targeted oral agent designed to kill tumor cells in metastatic breast cancer.
Primary Purpose
Study Type
Healthy Volunteers
Minimum Age
Maximum Age
Inclusion Criteria, Combination with fulvestrant (Part 3):
- Available archival or FFPE
- RSK2 positive (≥75% nuclear staining with ≥2+ in staining intensity) as assessed by central lab from available archival or fresh tumor tissue (FFPE).
- Histologically or cytologically diagnosed HR+, HER2- defined as both
- >1% expression of ER and/or PgR receptor
- ≤ 1+ by IHC for HER2, or FISH negative. If 2+ by IHC for HER2 combined with FISH negative
- Diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the breast with evidence of either locally advanced disease not amendable to resection or radiation with curative intent or metastatic disease not amendable to curative therapy
- Must be appropriate candidates for endocrine therapy
- Previously received at least 1 line of endocrine therapy for MBC or had recurrence while on adjuvant endocrine therapy for locally advanced breast cancer
- Discontinued endocrine therapy at least 15 days prior to first dose of PMD-026
- At least 1 measurable target lesion as defined by RECIST v1.1
- Progression on or after treatment with a CDK4/6 inhibitor in combination with endocrine therapy inhibitor in the locally advanced or metastatic setting
- Has not received fulvestrant in the locally advanced or metastatic setting. Note: If prior to study entry, a patient initiates fulvestrant in combination with targeted therapy and becomes intolerant of the targeted therapy before progression, that patient may enroll if PMD-026 is initiated within 48 days of start of fulvestrant and no missed doses of fulvestrant occurred.
- Not eligible for an AKT or PI3K inhibitor
- Adequate hematologic, hepatic, and renal function as assessed by laboratory parameters
- Toxicity related to prior therapy resolved to at least Grade 1 (alopecia excepted) or to at least Grade 2 with prior approval of the Medical Monitor
Exclusion Criteria, Combination with fulvestrant (Part 3):
- ≤14 days from prior chemotherapy, biological or investigational therapy
- Prior fulvestrant in the locally advanced or metastatic setting
- Presence of visceral crisis or uncontrolled visceral disease for which chemotherapy would be indicated
- Central nervous system metastases, unless appropriately treated and neurologically stable
- History of leptomeningeal metastases
- Active, uncontrolled bacterial, viral, or fungal infection(s) requiring systemic therapy
- Known hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection
- Known HIV-positive with CD4+ cell counts <350 cells/μL
- Known HIV-positive with a history of an AIDS-defining opportunistic infection
- History of clinically significant cardiovascular abnormalities, including QTcF interval >460 msec (using Fridericia's formula)
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Study Stats
Protocol No.
Breast Cancer
Principal Investigator
- UCLA Alhambra
- UCLA Burbank
- UCLA Encino
- UCLA Parkside
- UCLA Pasadena
- UCLA San Luis Obispo
- UCLA Santa Clarita
- UCLA Santa Monica
- UCLA Ventura
- UCLA Westwood