Michaele's Story - Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve Patient Story
Michaele's Story - Before and After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Michaele's Story - Before and After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Weight Loss Surgery: Sleeve Gastrectomy - Age 49, Total Lost: 93 pounds lost so far*

*Weight loss results can vary depending on the individual. There is no guarantee of specific results. Read disclaimer | More patient stories

"I am forever grateful for having the surgery and regaining my life."


I have struggled with my weight for more than 20 years. Through these years if and when I went to the doctors no matter the problem it always came back to being fat but was never offered any guidance or help with regard to losing weight. Finally after 20 years I switched health insurance to UCLA and this is when my life turned around.

My primary care doctor referred me to Dr. Chen for a bariatric surgery consult at first I was a little offended but soon realized this is exactly what I needed and was at a point in my life to be able to have the gastric sleeve. The staff at UCLA has been amazing and have been given instructions on how to be successful with my weight before and after the surgery. I had lost and gained weight my whole life but with the guidance of the UCLA’s dieticians and doctors I believe I will be able to stay on this path of eating well and moving.

The major step of surgery is a daily reminder of old habits and the new ones that have formed since my initial consult. I am forever grateful for having the surgery and regaining my life.

Michaele Before
Michaele After

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