Scott L. Waugh, the acting executive vice chancellor and provost, today announced the appointment of a new dean of the UCLA School of Nursing.
Waugh's statement reads:
Dear Colleagues:I am very pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Courtney H. Lyder as dean of the UCLA School of Nursing. His appointment will be effective August 1, 2008.Since 2003, Dr. Lyder has been a faculty member at the University of Virginia (U.Va.). He currently chairs U.Va.s acute and specialty care department in the School of Nursing, where he leads 25 full-time and 22 part-time faculty members. He is also a chaired professor of nursing and a professor of internal medicine and geriatrics.In 2006, Dr. Lyder was appointed director for diversity initiatives for U.Va.s School of Nursing and Medical Center, where he sought to develop a Medical Center staff that looks like the populations they serve. In the past year, the number of students of color entering nursing graduate programs there increased by 15 percent.Dr. Lyder is also a senior consultant to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where he has influenced federal regulations and policies related to elder care throughout the U.S. As principal investigator or co-investigator, Dr. Lyder has received nearly $12 million over the past 15 years in research and training grants related to the care of older adults.Between 1994 and 2003, Dr. Lyder served on the faculty at Yale University in the School of Nursing, where he directed a number of programs specializing in adult, family, womens and elder care, as well as chronic wound care. Dr. Lyder received his B.S., M.S. and N.D. from Rush University and his B.A. from Beloit College.I believe that Dr. Lyder will make a wonderful addition to the UCLA family and will strengthen our efforts to build and maintain a diverse campus community while building our academic programs.I want to thank the search/advisory committee, chaired by Linda Rosenstock, dean of the School of Public Health, for its role in recruiting Dr. Lyder. Other committee members included Dr. Linda Burnes Bolton, vice president and chief nursing officer, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and president, American Academy of Nursing; Heidi Crooks, senior associate director, operations and patient care services, UCLA Medical Center; Marianne Murphy, UCLA Foundation Board of Governors; and UCLA faculty members: Gautam Chaudhuri (obstetrics and gynecology), Marvin Marcus (dentistry), Jack Needleman (public health), Wendie Robbins (nursing), Victoria Sork (life sciences) and Mary Woo (nursing). Together, they assembled an outstanding pool of candidates for this position that reflects the high regard in which our School of Nursing is held by the profession.Chancellor Block and I are very pleased with this appointment, and we are grateful to Professor Adeline M. Nyamathi, who has graciously returned from sabbatical to serve as acting dean until Dr. Lyders arrival, subject to approval by the Regents.We are excited about the School of Nursings future under Dr. Lyders leadership even as we mourn the recent loss of Marie Cowan. We remain grateful for Dean Cowans many outstanding contributions to the School of Nursing and to UCLA, and we believe that Dr. Lyder will maintain the strong trajectory she set for the school.Please join me in welcoming Dr. Lyder to UCLA.
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