One evening, my husband and I decided to take a road trip, hoping to find relief. We set out on a long journey, driving over 2000.miles (Chicago to LA).. Praying that UCLA doctors will be able to shed some light on my condition. Little did we know.... the UCLA team of doctors have done just as we have hoped. My team of doctors have welcomed me(us)with opened arms. When we arrived in Sept 2017...Dr I. Yang introduced me to my team::Wong Kim ...Neurosurgeon (my king) Mollie Johnston....Neurologist (my queen) Anthony Heaney..., Endocrinologist (my knight) David Scott. ....Pulmonologist (my knight)

My journey ... As a military spouse, I have had to relocated 15 times, which means I have been evaluated by many doctors in different parts of the country. For the most part, every doctor(specialist) was on the same page. In 1997, I was diagnosed with Hypopractinemia. In 2006, i had 2 pituitary adenomas removed. 2007, the migraines began... and proceeded to get worse. In 2011, the left side adenoma returned. Doctors have had me try an enormous amount of medications and have had many, many different procedures. I had been walking around in circles for over 10 years, wondering if I would get better. So one day, I and mentioned to my husband, “I really need help”, It was time for a change.

My team of doctors have listened to my story, giving me advice and a better understanding, I do have options. My team of doctors have given reason to believe, they are willing to walk this journey with me to better days.

I just want to say again ... Your patience and understanding are appreciated You all are amazing! Thank you, thank you thank you ... Mary J.