Total Lost: 72 pounds (weight loss in 3 months)*

Growing up we were told to finish our plates, and with an Italian mother who loves cooking, we ate a lot of carbohydrates and fatty meals. Before I knew it, I was 25 years old, had high cholesterol for years and was taking an antacid daily for severe reflux (GERD). I was in the constant cycle of diet, exercise and failure. Genetically my family is predisposed to extreme obesity, along with many ailments due to weight. No matter how hard I tried, the weight would waiver and plateau.
I spoke with my PCP about what my options were regarding weight loss. She mentioned that UCLA’s COMET program could get me the answers I was looking for. I was nervous because surgery seemed like a very intense path to take, but after a few more months, and a few more pounds, I decided to make the call.
Everyone in the COMET team was so helpful in getting me the answers I needed. The preoperative meal plan was easy to follow and I was able to reduce 15 pounds before surgery. Three months after my first appointment, I had the gastric sleeve. I couldn’t believe that an operation only lasting an hour could change my life forever.
I was so comfortable with the postoperative directions and the diet was simple and straightforward. While having soups and shakes for 2 weeks after surgery may get tiring, you’re reminded that it’s only a fraction of time in the scheme of the rest of your life.
It’s now been 4 months and the feeling is truly amazing. I am still walking by the mirror so shocked. The best part is that I feel like the same guy, just with more energy and the ability to do more. For the first time in my life, I’m active and getting a chance to enjoy my life.
*Weight loss results can vary depending on the individual. There is no guarantee of specific results. Read full disclaimer