Molly C., like many members of her family forefathers suffers from a genetic disease known as Polycystic Kidney Disease. Molly initially experienced a slow deterioration of her kidney function and by March 2016 was faced with the harsh reality that her kidneys were only working at 13% of their capability. Molly was in need of dialysis and possible kidney transplant.
Molly and her husband Pete were devastated by the news. They visited Dr. Rastogi at UCLA on April 1, 2016 feeling defeated and anxious, but he immediately put their minds at ease. As they said, “his demeanor, compassion and genuine concern for his patients made us know right away that we had come to the right place”. Dr. Rastogi explained that they still had time to prepare for dialysis, which was a huge relief for Molly.
Dr. Rastogi and his UCLA team then carefully and expertly prepared Molly for dialysis through extensive classes and instructions for peritoneal dialysis treatment which was the best dialysis modality.
Throughout her health difficulties, Molly has the unconditional support of her husband Pete, who from the very beginning assured her that they were in this journey together. The treatment has been very lifesaving as she now waits for a possible kidney transplant. “Kidney donors are caring, generous, loving and special individuals sent by God to provide a “daily” dose of life to their recipients. I believe that they are actually special angles living on earth” Molly says. As she continues facing health challenges Molly is supported and encouraged by her relentless love for life, her husband and extended family.
The smile on her face says it all as she takes every opportunity to “thank God for leading us to UCLA and Dr. Rastogi”. Polycystic Kidney Disease has also affected subsequent generations of Molly’s family, including her daughter, who have however undergone successful transplant surgeries and doing well.