Nichele - spina bifida


I would like to introduce you to our daughter, Nichele, who will be 10 years old in October. While she is in public school with her third grade classmates, no one would ever guess that she has had 24 surgeries (soon to be 25) to treat spinabifida, a chronic spinal disorder that was diagnosed during the sixth month of pregnancy. Nichele's first surgery took place within hours of birth, the first of many in her life-long relationship with the doctors, nurses and staff at UCLA Neurosurgery.

Our family feels an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the multitude of nurses and doctors that have cared for Nichele over the years, they are a blessing in our lives. They are always confident that an answer will be found, and instill a hope in her good health that inspires us all.

Despite a piano teacher that felt she would never be able to use both hands, she now performs beautifully, wants to be a professional ice skater, and has ambitions to play in the women's NBA. Nichele adores her big brother, Greg, her idol and inspiration for piano and basketball. She doesn't let anything hold her back, and, thanks to the team at UCLA, is capable of striving for all of her goals.


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