Approximately about a year or so ago Dr. Edward McPherson joined the team of orthopeadic surgeons at UCLA Medical Center Santa Monica. His addition to our team of doctor has been an amazing experience not only for the staff but specially for our patients. There is not even one time that I come in to care for one of his patients and they all always have great complements to say about him. I, myself, was very impressive with his work ethics from the first time I had the pleasure to meet him in our unit. He approach me and introduce himself mot only to me but to everyone who came in contact with him. He treats everyone with the same respect. He shakes hands with the managers, nurses, nurses assistants, secretaries, transport personnel and cleaning ladies. However, he goes beyond and knows everyone's names. He makes everyone feel special. In fact, patients always say that they feel as though they are talking with a friend that really cares about their well-being when they talk to him.
I have several times witnessed patients crying telling me their stories about how Dr. McPherson has saved their legs that were once due to amputation based on a diagnosis done by someone else. They called him an Angel sent from heaven. Then, there are the times he comes early in the morning, sometimes late at night, to round on his patients and make sure they are getting the best care that UCLA can provide. He comes to the patient's room always with a smile on his face and ready to spend the time with every single one of them. He sits down, takes the time and holds their hand. That makes them feel cared for and special as if they were the only patient he had. That is because he comes to a patient's room and knows how to be in the moment with the patient. The same behavior is, again, noticed with the staff. He is one-of-a-kind. He is an amazing example of what human kindness should be like. With his behavior he is healing human kind with one patient at a time.
Thank you so much Dr. McPherson for all you do. Thank you for being you!