The best thing we ever did

We adopted two toddlers from Russia in 2009. Our son was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome within 10 days of coming home. He was later also diagnosed with autism. His sister was also diagnosed many years later with FASD, but she is another story. Regional Center provided in-home services as soon as he was diagnosed at 17 months. However, after six months, it became apparent that in-home services had done as much as they could to help him overcome his difficulties. They referred me to the UCLA Intervention Program, which he attended for a year until he turned three. What an amazing program! We attended five days per week. During that time, he became more social, and more centered. His skills improved dramatically with the daily intervention. And I finally did not feel alone in my struggle, as I finally had other parents to talk to and a group to feel part of. I am still friends with some of the parents, seven years later. I can say without a doubt that my child was provided his best opportunity to succeed, with the start we got at the UCLA Intervention Program.