Human MASLD Core

Human MASLD Core
The Human MASLD Core leverages its robust biorepository infrastructure and its interactions with UCLA clinicians to establish a longitudinal cohort of MASLD patients and direct the development of biospecimen repositories linked to a clinical database. Our team consists of basic and translational researchers, clinicians in the UCLA enterprise clinics, clinical research coordinators, technicians, database managers, and analysts with expertise in MASLD, and experience in successful subject screening and recruitment, biospecimen collection, clinical data collection, and database management.

Comprehensive Biobanking
By developing a comprehensive biospecimen biorepository and clinical database of de-identified subjects, the Human MASLD Core of will provide access to human biospecimens and enhance collaborations between basic and clinical investigators and foster interdisciplinary research in MASLD.
- Human MASLD Core Directors: Steven-Huy B. Han, MD, UCLA; Jihane N. Benhammou, MD, PhD, UCLA
- Biospecimen Biorepository Core Director: Tien S. Dong, MD, PhD, UCLA
- Human MASLD Core Pathologist: Samuel W. French, MD, PhD, UCLA
For more information, contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
Services of the Human MASLD Core
- Provide streamlined access to human biospecimens of the MASLD spectrum
- Provide consultations on choice of human biospecimens and clinical datasets that are best suited for the center member's project
- Provide consultations on study design for human MASLD-related studies
- Facilitate collaborations with the Mouse Integrative Genetics Core to support integration of human datasets with the mouse datasets available through the Mouse Integrative Genetics Core
- Facilitate access to Human MASLD Core Biospecimen Biorepository led by Dr. Tien S. Dong