Research Training

UCLA Sleep Research
The UCLA Sleep Research Program and its affiliates house internationally renowned sleep researchers who conduct basic science, clinical, and health services research. UCLA has one of the largest group of sleep researchers in the U.S, including experts in effects of sleep on brain plasticity and the hypothalamic control of sleep-wake states, neural mechanisms of upper airway muscles, narcolepsy, neuroimaging in sleep disorders, and insomnia in the geriatric population and women.
UCLA History of Sleep Research
UCLA Semel Institute Center for Sleep Research
UCLA Sleep Disorder Center Research Faculty
VA Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC)
Cathy Alessi, M.D., Director of GRECC
Jennifer Martin, Ph.D.
Constance Fung, M.D., M.S.

UCLA Sleep Research Training
Sleep Medicine fellows may choose to pursue additional research training through the UCLA STAR PROGRAM. The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA offers a tailored career development pathway combining research, clinical training, and formal coursework leading to one of the following degrees:
- Basic Science: This pathway leads to a Ph.D. degree. STAR fellows select to purse their graduate studies in the School of Medicine basic science departments, any Department in the Life Sciences in the College or from School of Engineering or California Institute of Technology.
- Health Services/Outcomes: This pathway leads to a Ph.D. degree from the School of Public Health or the Pardee Rand Graduate School.
- Clinical Research: This pathway leads to a Master of Science in Clinical Research from the Department of Biomathematics in the David Geffen School of Medicine.
- Post-Doctoral Research Training: A 2-3 year post-doctoral program is offered for those who entered STAR with M.D./Ph.D. degrees.
These competitive programs are designed for highly qualified applicants committed to careers in academic medicine. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply for the STAR program at the time of applying for the Sleep Medicine fellowship program.
Under the guidance of a faculty mentor, the STAR fellows may take graduate level classes to prepare for thesis research. The scheduling of clinical and research activities is individualized and flexible within the guidelines of certification requirements. However, it is understood that depending on the degree program selected, STAR enrollees from the UCLA Sleep Medicine fellowship program are expected to add anywhere from 1 to 5 additional years to their fellowship training.
Supervised thesis and postdoctoral research opportunities are available within the School of Medicine Basic and Clinical Science Departments, the Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences Program, and Health Services Research Programs at UCLA and the Rand Corporation. Special compensation is available to STAR fellows including support for doctoral tuition, payment of interest on medical school loans and stipends to attend scientific conferences. The UCLA STAR Program actively seeks minority candidates.