Insurance Information

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Our specialists offer comprehensive arrythmia care. To learn more about our services, call 310-206-2235.

UCLA Health accepts Medicare-assignment and private indemnity insurance. We also participate in more than 100 local and national managed care networks, some of which are listed below*. Since this is not a comprehensive listing, please call us at 1-800-UCLA-MD1 (1-800-825-2631) if you are concerned or have a question about whether your insurance is accepted here.  You may also speak with your benefits coordinator, or consult your health plan provider directory to confirm that UCLA Health accepts your insurance coverage.

Click here for a list of health plans accepted

*NOTE: Not all UCLA Health physicians participate in all of the health plans listed. Please contact the UCLA Physician Referral Service (1-800-UCLA-MD1) to confirm that UCLA Health accepts your insurance coverage.