A two-part series exploring UCLA’s 40-year-engagement with AIDS from the discovery of a mysterious illness decades ago to the latest breakthroughs, and an article documenting the immense toll the pandemic has taken on UCLA health care workers were the big winners of the 2023 GIA Awards at the Association of American Medical Colleges Conference for Institutional Advancement.
“UCLA in the Time of AIDS,” by Dan Gordon, was awarded Best in Show and “The Price,” by Sandy Cohen, received the Pandemic Pivot award. Both articles, originally published in U Magazine, also were Gold Award winners.
Other UCLA Health honorees included U Magazine article “The Stradivari of Westwood” by Veronique de Turenne, which won a Silver Award, and U Magazine as a whole, which received an Honorable Mention.
U Magazine is edited by David Greenwald.
Read the articles
UCLA in the Time of AIDS, Part 1 (Pg. 38)
UCLA in the Time of AIDS, Part 2 (Pg. 46)
The Price (Pg. 34)
The Stradivari of Westwood (Pg. 24) and see the accompanying video: