Dr. Amy Stoddard is the poster doctor for CICARE. She makes patients feel like patients and not like another number in her schedule. She always goes above and beyond for not only her patients but for her staff. the clinic, and the department. Dr. Stoddard never says no to any patient, and even though she's always extremely busy, since she is a very popular doctor, she always makes anything happen for her patients. Whether it is coming in early, working through her lunch, or even staying a little later she is always there for her patients. She is an excellent coworker and a great team player, When ever her help is needed in the clinic Dr. Stoddard always jumps in to help. From getting donuts on a very busy day to make it go by better or helping launch a new project for the department. I am very lucky to get to work next to such an inspirational doctor who really does " heal humankind one patient at a time by improving health alleviating suffering and delivering acts of kindness"