So my first appointment with doctor Yeh was on August 19th, 2019. I was actually diagnosed with hypercalcemia back in 2017. I took me some time before I could see Dr. Yeh, due to the insurance plan I had at the time. I was seeing a different doctor before this because that was what my insurance provider at the time had allowed me to do. That previous endocrinologist was horrible. After about a year my friend recommended that I see a different endocrinologist, which I did and that doctor was much better. She referred me to go see Dr. Yeh. However, I couldn’t at the time because my insurance policy had not allowed me to. Then lucky I got a new job soon after and then a new insurance plan. I could finally go see Dr. Yeh. After about a little over two month after getting the new insurance I was able to get surgery with Dr. Yeh. Everything happen very efficiently. I had my surgery on October 3rd, 2019. I didn’t feel a thing, they gave me anesthesia prior to wheeling me to the room. I remember waking up and asking them when we were going to do the surgery, but then they said we were done. I was shocked because everything happened so fast and painlessly. I had no pain during the surgery and even after the surgery. They gave me some narcotics and supplements which I only took for a few days because I didn’t want to take too much of it and because I wasn’t feeling any pain. It has been 3 weeks since my surgery and I’m still good. Before the surgery I was really worried about my vocal chord because I am a singer, but I heard from friends and doing research that this surgery should not affect my vocal cords and voice at all. From doing research I realize what makes patient’s voice goes hoarse is when they put the anesthesia tube through your vocal cords. Something that makes me happy is that before surgery the anesthesiology had told me “ok we are going to put the tube through your throat later for this” and I told her that I had done research and that I was a singer who was worried about getting a hoarse voice after this. I wanted her to be careful when putting the tube down in my throat. The anesthesiologist talked to Dr. Yeh to do an alternative that would not touch my vocal chords at all, they still put a tube down my throat but was able to avoid the vocal cords. I would recommend talking to your doctor about the alternatives if there is anything anyone is concerned about. Overall I had a great experience and I’m still feeling good as of today post-operation.