Patient Stories - K & T
In the birth plans we wrote for each of our sons we wrote:
We envision a labor and delivery that is a lot of hard work - but hard work that is made easier by the support of those around us; people we trust encouraging us with their words and their touch, not allowing us to give up or lose faith, and helping us deal with the trials and tribulations of labor and delivery.
This is exactly what every woman deserves, and what UCLA's marvelous midwives are so good at doing...whatever it is you and your baby need.
They help you reach deep down inside and find the inner strength to persevere, and have lots of techniques to help your labor progress, and to help you work through the times you feel like giving up.
They are there to take care of you and help you have the labor and delivery that is right for you and your baby.
We are so glad we chose to entrust both of our sons' pregnancies and deliveries to UCLA's midwives, and will always be grateful to them.
K & T