Lipoma removal from neck

Thanks to a friend who said, "Hey what's the matter with your neck?" I saw my PCP and then started going through the battery of tests-, blood test, ultrasound, mri and from the mri they thought it was a lipoma. I did some research online, the internet is a wealth of information, but it is not knowledge! It was a bad week and a half of worry for me until the official results came back that I had a lipoma and not something more serious. The day of the surgery was easy because I put myself through hell worrying before the test results came back. The day of surgery was a breeze. There were people every step of the way directing me and more importantly explaining to me what would happen every step of the way. Surgery was late in the day at UCLA Santa Monica, but I did not have to spend the night. Everyone was great inside the surgery preparation area - knowlegable, kind, friendly, professional, funny- I felt right at home, in capable hands with no anxiety. The last thing I remember was being wheeled in. The next thing I know surgery is over and I'm in recovery.