The Jan R. Cloyde Legacy Award
Jan R. Cloyde Legacy Award
Jan R. Cloyde was a founding board member of the Iris Cantor-UCLA Women’s Health Center. Her enduring commitment to advancing women’s healthcare and fostering mentorship for emerging leaders left an indelible mark on all those who had the honor of working with her. The Jan R. Cloyde Legacy Award was created within the Iris Cantor-UCLA Women’s Health Center in homage to Jan’s extraordinary contributions.
Inspired by Jan’s remarkable commitment to mentorship, The Jan R. Cloyde Legacy Award provides funding for students conducting research in the field of Women’s Health at UCLA. Funds support these students’ efforts, including, but not limited to, travel to and/or attendance with their mentors at national and international meetings to present their work. Students apply on a rolling basis, and the Scientific Committee of the Iris Cantor-UCLA Women’s Health Center (“the Committee”) choose awardees based on:
a) Importance of research
b) Likelihood the student will continue in a career in women’s health research
c) Potential for meeting attendance to positively affect the course of the student’s career
If you are interested in supporting the Jan R. Cloyde Legacy Award, please visit the link below:
If you are a UCLA student interested in applying to receive a Jan R. Cloyde Legacy award, please visit the link below for more information.
Jan R. Cloyde Legacy Award Recipients
Rachel Sarnoff, MD - Digestive Disease Week Conference in Washington, DC
"Participating in Digestive Disease Week 2024 was an incredible experience teeming with learning and networking. Presenting my three posters was a wonderful experience; many researchers and trainees engaged with the posters and asked astute questions, including how our research might apply to the transgender population (which I believe is a great future direction for our research). On May 20, I attended a Women in Neurogastroenterology Interest Group hosted by the ANMS, during which a panel of women leaders in NeuroGI spoke about their career paths, work-life integration, and self-advocacy in what was historically a male-dominated space."
Click here to read the full reflection.
Morgan Johnson - Cell Exercise Metabolism Conference in Lisbon, Portugal
"I want to sincerely thank the donors and the selection committee for awarding me these funds to travel to an international conference and attend an NIH meeting. I met numerous investigators performing high caliber work in the field of exercise metabolism. I was able to have conversations with several of them, whether it was about their path to where they are now, their current research, or where they think the field is going in the future. I am honored to be a small part of Jan R. Cloyde’s legacy, and I cannot wait to see where the knowledge and connections I gleaned from this experience take me in the future."
Click here to read the full reflection.
Noelle Morrow - Cell Exercise Metabolism Conference in Lisbon, Portugal
"I am thrilled to be able to spend my graduate education studying two topics I am passionate about: exercise physiology and women’s health, and I hope to become one of the leading researchers in this field. This symposium helped me build networking skills and make connections for future scientific collaborations. I am incredibly grateful to my mentor, Dr. Andrea Hevener, for providing me with this opportunity and to the Iris Cantor UCLA Women’s Health Center for funding this experience through the Jan R. Cloyde Legacy Award."
Click here to read the full reflection.