2017 Annual Meeting - Boston MA

ASA Annual Meeting 2017
October 20th-25th, 2017
Boston, MA
UCLA Department of Anesthesiology Dinner Social
Sunday, Oct. 22, 6 to 9 p.m.
The 6B Lounge
6B Beacon St.
Boston, MA 02108
Special Session - Best of Abstracts
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
SPE14 |
Sunday, October 22nd |
BOS08 – Myocardial Injury Leads to Transcriptome Remodeling of the Dorsal Horn Louis A. Saddic, M.D., Ph.D., Kimberly Howard-Quijano, M.D., M.S., Chen Gao, Ph.D., Tatsuo Takamiya, M.D., Christoph Rau, Ph.D., Yibin Wang, Ph.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D.BOS09 - Oxidized Lipids: A Critical Role in Pulmonary Hypertension Pathogenesis Gregoire N. Ruffenach, Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D., Mylene Vaillancourt, M.Sc., Ellen I. O'Connor, B.Sc., Shayan Moazeni, B.Sc., Christine Cunningham, B.Sc., Abbas Ardehali, M.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D., Srininivasa T. Reddy, Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. |
Young Investigators
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
Y101 |
Saturday, October 21st |
YI01-6 - The Use of Deep Neural Networks to Predict Post-Liver Transplant Mortality Brent D. Ershoff, M.D., Christine Lee, B.S., Christopher L. Wray, M.D., Maxime Cannesson, M.D.,Ph.D. YI01-8 - A Digital Quality Improvement Approach Improves Prophylaxis and Reduces Incidence of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting: A Historical-Prospective, Comparative Effectiveness Study Using Interrupted Time Series and Propensity Score Matching Analysis John Shin, M.D., Eilon Gabel, M.D., Ira S. Hofer, M.D., Grogan Tristan, M.S., Keren Ziv, M.D., Joe C. Hong, M.D., Anahat Dhillon, M.D., James Moore, M.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D., Maxime Cannesson, M.D., Ph.D |
Y102 |
Sunday, October 22nd |
YI02-2 - Myocardial Injury Leads to Transcriptome Remodeling of the Dorsal Horn Louis A. Saddic, M.D.,Ph.D., Kimberly J. Howard-Quijano, M.D., Chen Gao, Ph.D., Tatsuo Takamiya, M.D., Christoph Rau, Ph.D., Yibin Wang, Ph.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D. |
Oral Presentations
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
OR12-2 |
Tuesday, October 24th |
A4089 – Assessment of Myocardial Function in Late Pregnant Rats Using Speckle Tracking Echocardiography Shayan Moazeni, B.Sc., Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D., Emily Methangkool, M.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D.,Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. A4091 – Investigating Bupivacaine-induced Cardiotoxicity and Intralipid Rescue in Pregnant Rats Caitlin M. Sherman, M.D., Catherine Cha, M.D., Shayan Moazeni, B.S., Mylene Vaillancourt, M.Sc., Nancy Cao, B.S., Richard W. Hong, M.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D. |
OR13-2 |
Tuesday, October 24th |
A4148 – The Use of Deep Neural Networks to Predict Post-Liver Transplant Mortality Brent D. Ershoff, M.D.1, Christine Lee, B.S.2, Christopher L. Wray, M.D.1, Maxime Cannesson, M.D.,Ph.D. |
OR09-1 |
Wednesday, October 25th |
A5002 – Role of Low Density Lipoprotein Receptors in the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Hypertension Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D., Mylene Vaillancourt, M.Sc., Christine Cunningham, B.S., Shayan Moazeni, B.S., Nancy Cao, B.S., Sara Mottahedan, M.D., Abbas Ardehali, M.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D.,Ph.D., Mohamad Navab, Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. A5005 - Acidosis Alters the Activity of the Cardiac Na + -Ca 2+ Exchanger Scott John, Ph.D., Brian Kim, M.S., Rui Zhang, Ph.D., Riccardo Olcese, Ph.D., Joshua I. Goldhaber, M.D., Michela Ottolia, Ph.D. |
Poster Discussions
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
PD09-1 |
Monday, October 23rd |
A3015 - Ca Channel Modifiers: A Novel Paradigm for Anti-Arrhythmic Drug Development Marvin G. Chang, M.D., Ph.D., Marina Angelini, Ph.D., Arash Pezhouman, M.D., Guillaume Calmettes, Ph.D., Michael Liu, B.S., Hrayr Karagueuzian, M.D., Ph.D., Alan Garfinkle, Ph.D., Zhilin Qu, Ph. D., James Weiss, M.D., Riccardo Olcese, Ph.D. A3017 - Specific Activation of miR125b/Snai2 Axis in Group 3 Pulmonary Hypertension Gregoire N. Ruffenach, Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D., Shervin Sarji, B.Sc., Shayan Moazeni, B.Sc., Christine Cunningham, B.Sc., Crystal Eshraghi, B.Sc., Abbas Ardehali, M.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D.,Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D.. A3018 – Pulmonary Hypertension is Associated With Vascular Remodeling and euroinflammation in the Brain Shervin Sarji, B.Sc., Negar Khanlou, M.D., Gregoire N. Ruffenach, Ph.D., Shayan Moazeni, B.Sc., Christine Cunningham, B.Sc., Ali Said, Student, Crystal Eshraghi, Student, Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D., Rajesh Kumar, Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. |
PD10-1 |
Saturday, October 21st |
A1021 - Investigating Memory at the Molecular Level: Voltage-dependent Facilitation in L-type Ca V 1.2 Channels Antonios Pantazis, Ph.D., Alan Neely, Ph.D., Riccardo Olcese, Ph.D. |
Poster Presentations
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
PO09-1 |
Saturday, October 21st Presentation Board Number: Monotor 05 |
A1129 – Reduction of the Late Component of L-type Ca 2+ Current Has Promise as a New Antiarrhythmic Strategy Marina Angelini, Ph.D., Arash Pezhouman, M.D., Nicoletta Savalli, Ph.D., Antonios Pantazis, Ph.D., Christopher Ko, Ph.D., Marvin G. Chang, M.D., Ph.D., Hrayr Karagueuzian, Ph.D., M.D., James Weiss, M.D., Riccardo Olcese, Ph.D. |
PO04-2 |
Monday, October 23rd Presentation Board Number: Monotor 15 |
A3033 – Low Surgical Apgar Score Is Independently Associated With Mortality After Liver Transplantation Victor Xia, M.D., Jun Li, M.D., Wei Gao, M.D. |
PO16-5 |
Tuesday, October 24th Presentation Board Number: Monitor 15 |
A4078 – Investigating the Cardiotoxicity of Liposomal Bupivacaine (Exparel) in Rats: The Role of Intralipid Rescue Marsha Kristel L. Bernardo, M.D., Shayan Moazeni, B.Sc., Nancy Cao, B.Sc., Siamak Rahman, M.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D. |
PO15-4 |
Tuesday, October 24th Presentation Board Number: Monitor 05 |
A4204 – Retrospective Cohort Study on the Optimal Timing of OGT/NGT Insertion in Infants With Pyloric Stenosis Lisa K. Lee, M.D., Harmony F. Carter, M.D., Marissa G. Vadi, M.D.,M.P.H., Lucas Webb, M.D., Rebekah Burns, M.D., Rajvinder S. Dhamrait, M.D., F.C.A.R.C.S.I., Arash Liaghat, M.D., Richard Applegate, M.D., Marc Iravani, M.D. |
PPO19-4 |
Tuesday, October 24th Presentation Board Number: Monitor 08 |
A4145 – Enhanced Recovery after Colorectal Surgery: Impact on Opioid-Free Analgesia and Opioid Prescribing Practices Delara B. Brandal, M.D., Yohei Fujimoto, M.D., Ph.D., Tristan Grogan, M.S., Carol Lee, R.N., Michelle S. Keller, M.P.H., Siamak Rahman, M.D., Ira S. Hofer, M.D., Maxime Cannesson, M.D., Ph.D. |
Medically Challenging Case Presentations
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
MCC01 |
Saturday, October 21st Presentation Board Number: Monitor 17 |
MC1188 – Right Ventricle Perforation: Rare Complication during Intraoperative Central Line Placement for Orthotopic Liver Transplantation Daniel Hwang, M.D., Jennifer Wu Nguyen-Lee, M.D |
MCC02 |
Saturday, October 21st Presentation Board Number: Monitor 02
1:40 - 1:50 PM Presentation Board Number: Monitor 14 |
A3033 – Low Surgical Apgar Score Is Independently Associated With Mortality After Liver Transplantation Victor Xia, M.D., Jun Li, M.D., Wei Gao, M.D.
MC1265 – Intraoperative Presentation of Undiagnosed Harlequin Syndrome in a Pediatric Patient Pamela Chia, M.D., Christine Trieu, M.D., Grace J. Park, M.D., Shirley H. Tang, M.D. |
MCC03 |
Saturday, October 21st 3:40-3:50 PM Location: Exhibit Hall B2Presentation Board Number: Monitor 08
5:00 - 5:10 PM Presentation Board Number: Monitor 18 |
MC1514 – Use of a Continuous Spinal Catheter in the Anesthetic Management of a Patient with Critical Aortic Stenosis Undergoing Hip Surgery Alice Y. Li, M.D., Sumit P. Singh, M.D.
MC1642 – Regional and General Anesthetic Management for a Patient with Chrinic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculopathy Pamela Chia, M.D., Edward Park, M.D., Peter Y. Jin. |
MCC05 |
Sunday, October 22nd
1:20-1:30PM Presentation Board Number: Monitor 17 |
MC2226 - Bilateral Lung Transplantation in a 34 Year Old Female with Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Vivek Chellappa, M.D., William A. Edwards, M.D., Reed E. Harvey, M.D., Jacques Neelankavil, M.D., Vadim Gudzenko, M.D., Abbas Ardehali, M.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D.,Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D..
MC2406 – A Cascade of Complication After Total Pleurectomy for Mesothelioma Karen S. Sibert, M.D., Samantha Y. Wong, M.D., Christina T. Nguyen, M.D., Eilon Gabel, M.D., Ira S. Hofer, M.D. |
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
Session 802 |
Saturday, October 21st |
Jonathan Ho, M.D. |
Session 820 |
Sunday, October 22nd |
Jonathan Ho, M.D. |
Session 823 |
Sunday, October 22nd |
Maxime Cannesson, M.D., Ph.D. |
Session 830 |
Monday, October 23rd |
Wolf B. Kratzert, M.D., Ph.D. |
Session 831A |
Monday, October 23rd |
Marshal Kaplan, M.D. |
Session 831B |
Monday, October 23rd |
Marshal Kaplan, M.D. |
Session 834 |
Monday, October 23rd |
Wolf B. Kratzert, M.D., Ph.D. |
Session 844 |
Tuesday, October 24th |
Jonathan Ho, M.D. |
120 Minute Panel
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
PN115 |
Saturday, October 21st |
The Brain Initiative: Why Us, Why Now? Daniel Cole, M.D. |
PN209 |
Sunday, October 22nd |
Closed Loop Fluid Management and Hemodynamic Optimization Maxime Cannesson, M.D., Ph.D. |
PN218 |
Sunday, October 22nd |
Creating a Datamart Out of Major Vendor Electronic Medical Records: The First Step Toward Digital Quality Improvement Ira Hofer, M.D. |
PN303 |
Monday, October 23rd |
Define the Key Aspects and Considerations for Retooling and Adapting Your Perioperative Informatics System for MACRA James Moore, M.D. |
PN306 |
Monday, October 23rd |
AA Licensure in California Karen S. Sibert, M.D. |
60 Minute Panel
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
PN119 |
Saturday, October 21st |
Real Time Predictive Analytics: Turning Physiological Monitors into Forecasting Devices Maxime Cannesson, M.D., Ph.D. From Phenotype to Genotype: Using Omics Data to Predict Perioperative Outcomes Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D. |
PN225 |
Sunday, October 22nd |
Resources on Defining and Instituting Medical Futility Anahat Dhillon, M.D. |
PN402 |
Tuesday, October 24th |
Neurologic Injury after Cardiac Surgery – Identification and Prevention Emily Methangkool, M.D |
PN501 |
Wednesday, October 25th |
When Everything Goes Wrong – Disasters in the Cath Lab and Their Solutions Kimberly Howard-Quijano, M.D., M.S. |
60 Minute Panel Refresher Course Lecture
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
Session 215 |
Sunday, October 22nd |
What’s New in the World of CIEDs? Updates for Anesthesiologists Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D. |
Session 315 |
Monday, October 23rd |
Electrophysiology Lab Procedures: What Should the Anesthesiologist Know? Prince Neelankavil, M.D. |
Clinical Forum
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
Session CF04 |
Sunday, October 21st |
Complex Medical Decision-Making for Elderly Patients Anahat Dhillon, M.D. |
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
PC13 |
Monday, October 23rd |
Referee: Karen Sibert, M.D. |
PC26 |
Wednesday, October 25th |
Introduction to Strain Imaging Echocardiography Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D. Pro: Strain Imaging of Cardiac Function has Clinical Utility and it Should be Used in Perioperative Setting Kimberly Howard-Quijano, M.D., M.S. |
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
SM732 |
Monday, October 23rd |
Practical Tips for Responding to Difficult Emotions Anahat Dhillon, M.D. |
Subspecialty Panel
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
Session 609 |
Tuesday, October 24th |
Enhanced Recovery and Heart Surgery: What Does That Mean? Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D. |