Anesthesia Student Interest Group (ASIG)

The Anesthesiology Student Interest Group (ASIG) at UCLA is dedicated to introducing and educating medical students about the field of anesthesiology through a variety of meetings and activities, where students have opportunities to learn clinical skills and explore their interests by shadowing in an OR. Clinical skills workshops are held to introduce students to airway management, including techniques such as bag-valve mask and intubations. Students are also encouraged to participate in the shadowing program to follow residents and faculty in the OR, allowing them to experience directly what it is like to work in this rapidly growing and exciting field. Meetings focus on the general practice of anesthesiology as well as an in depth exploration of several subspecialties within the field.

Recent events organized by ASIG have included lunchtime talks on the topics of "What is Anesthesiology?", "A Day in the Life of an Anesthesiologist", "Cardiac and Respiratory Physiology in Cardiac Anesthesiology", and "An Introduction to Critical Care Medicine." Past events have included the "Pros and Cons of Anesthesiology", "Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology Jeopardy", "A Day in the Life of a Resident", a subspecialties mixer, and clinical skills workshops at the UCLA Simulation Center.
If you would like more information about ASIG and its scheduled events, please contact Medical Student Coordinators, Kahtrel Maynard and Simon Liu; David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Class of 2026; or Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Residency Program Coordinator, Lucelva Mendez.