
Current patents:
• T.C. Tsao, C.W. Chen, Y.H. Lee, M.J. Gerber, and J.P. Hubschman, “Laser-assisted Surgical Alignment,” U.S. Patent (62/464,297).
- Hubschman, J.P., Tsao, T.C., Gerber, M. and Dacquay, B., Brightech Consulting LLC, 2023. Intraoperative assessment of implant positioning. U.S. Patent 11,660,180.
- Gerber, M., Lee, Y.H., Tsao, T.C., Rosen, J. and Hubschman, J.P., 2021. Docking system to stabilize eyeball during intraocular surgery. U.S. Patent Application 17/021,925.
- Tsao, T.C., Schwartz, S.D., Hubschman, J.P., Wilson, J.T., Prince, S.W. and Bourges, J.L., 2016. Apparatus, system, and method for robotic microsurgery. U.S. Patent 9,283,043.