Environmental Influences

Influence of psychosocial environmental factors on the brain-gut-microbiome axis in disease and health.
Psychosocial, cultural and environmental challenges, such as adverse childhood experiences, acculturation, neighborhood safety, family environment, and socioeconomic status heighten stress-related biological and behavioral pathways that increase the vulnerability to disease-promoting behaviors. Adverse experiences and stress influence brain development through epigenetic mechanisms, thereby increasing the vulnerability to develop clinical symptoms and diseases later in life.
Our data has shown that neuroplastic remodeling within the brain-gut microbiome could further increase the risk of individuals with a history of early life adversity towards altered ingestive behaviors, but on the other hand protective factors such as resilience and exercise can have a positive influence in the brain-gut microbiome axis, thus helping to protect against further disruptions leading towards disease.
Only a subgroup of individuals with a history of adversity or chronic stress (during childhood and adulthood) develop disease or clinical symptoms. To develop more personalized and effective treatments, it will be important to identify this vulnerable subgroup, the endophenotypes contributing to this subgroup and the psychosocial influences (both adverse and protective) that drive these changes.
Influence of environmental factors such as early life adversity and resilience on the brain and gut markers identify precursors that modulate emotion-arousal circuitry function and structure. This work is particularly relevant for identifying candidate treatments (e.g., pharmacological, behavioral) aimed at improving symptoms in disease.
- Ravichandran S, Sood R, Das I, Dong T, Figueroa JD, Yang J, Finger N, Vaughan A, Vora P, Selvaraj K, Labus JS & Gupta A. Early life adversity impacts alterations in brain structure and food addiction in individuals with high BMI. Nature Scientific Reports. 14, Article number: 13141 (2024)
- Kilpatrick LA, Zhang K, Dong TS, Gee GC, Beltran-Sanchez H, Wang M, Labus JS, Naliboff BD, Mayer EA, Gupta A. Mediation of the association between disadvantaged neighborhoods and cortical microstructure by body mass index. Nature. 15 September 2023
- Coley EJL, Mayer EA, Osadchiy V, Chen Z, Subramanyam V, Zhang Y, Hsiao EY, Gao K, Bhatt R, Dong T, Vora P, Naliboff B, Jacobs JJ, Gupta A. Early life adversity predicts brain-gut alterations associated with increased stress and mood. Neurobiology of Stress. Vol 15, November 2021, 10034.
- Gupta A, Mayer EA, Acosta J, Hamadani K, Torgerson C, vanHorn JD, Chang L, Naliboff B, Tillisch K, Labus JS. Early Adverse Life Events are Associated with Altered Brain Network Architecture in a Sex- Dependent Manner. Neurobiology of Stress. 2017.7:16-26. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2017.02.003. PMCID: PMC5318542
- Osadchiy V, Mayer EA, Bhatt R, Labus JS, Gao L, Kilpatrick LA, Liu C, Tillisch K, Naliboff B, Chang L, Gupta A. History of Early Life Adversity is Associated with Increased Food Addiction and Sex-Specific Alterations in Reward Network Connectivity in Obesity. Obesity Science and Practice. 2019; 5(5): 416-436 PMCID: PMC6819979
- Gupta A, Labus JS, Kilpatrick LA, Bonyadi M, Ashe-McNalley C, Heendeniya N, Bradesi S, Chang L, Mayer EA. Interactions of Early Adversity with Stress Related Gene Polymorphisms Impacts Regional Brain Structure in Females. Brain Structure and Function. 2016, 221(3): 1667-79. doi:10.1007/s00429-015-0996-9 [Epub Ahead of Print] PMCID: PMC4573367
- Gupta A, Kilpatrick L, Labus J, Tillisch K, Braun A, Hong JY, Ashe-McNalley C, Naliboff B, Mayer EA. Early Adverse Life Events and Resting State Neural Networks in Patients with Chronic Abdominal Pain: Evidence for Sex Differences. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2014; 76(6):404-12. PMCID: PMC4113723
- Gupta A, Love A, Kilpatrick LA, Labus JS, Chang L, Tillisch K, Naliboff B, Mayer EA. Morphological Brain Measures of Cortico-Limbic Inhibition Related to Resilience. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 2017. 95(9):1760-1775. doi: 10.1002/jnr.24007. PMCID: PMC5512424
- Kilpatrick L, Istrin JJ, Gupta A, Naliboff B, Tillisch K, Labus JS, Mayer EA. Sex commonalities and differences in the relationship between resilient personality and the intrinsic connectivity of the salience and default mode networks. Biological Psychology. 2015. 112, 107-115. PMCID: PMC5012423