Affiliated Hospitals

Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
The Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center is a state-of-the-art hospital with 520 inpatient beds. The hospital is among the top ranked medical centers in the nation, and features a full range of services across all areas of medicine. It is widely considered to be among the most technically advanced hospitals in the world. Fellows on the GI service manage all consults at the medical center along with a GI faculty member. The cases are often complex. The hepatology and liver transplant service is one of the busiest of its kind in the nation. Fellows rotating on hepatology at the medical center benefit from the wide variety of both general and transplant hepatology patients available at this hospital. Faculty in hepatology have strong interests in liver transplantation and outcomes research, hepatocellular carcinoma, viral hepatitis, and fatty liver / metabolic syndrome. Other renowned clinical and research programs here include the G. Oppenheimer Center for Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience (CNSR), the Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, the Robert G. Kardashian Center for Esophageal Health, the Center for Biosystems Medicine, interventional endoscopy services, and the Integrative Digestive Health and Wellness Program. In addition to the required Friday core curriculum, fellows rotating here attend three other core weekly conferences: GI Clinical Case Conference (alternating Thursdays), GI/liver pathology (alternating Thursdays), and GI Journal Club (Friday). Fellows can also attend the following optional case conferences: esophageal, inflammatory bowel diseases, hepatology and Integrative Digestive Health and Wellness Conference.

VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
The VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (716 beds) has long been known for its basic and clinical research programs in gastroenterology. Fellows receive exposure to a wide variety of gastroenterology and hepatology disorders, and gain experience in the full range of luminal and biliary procedures. GI faculty at the VA actively work on research with central interests in signal transduction, gastrointestinal cancers, peptic ulcer diseases, gastrointestinal peptides, and neuroenteric control of gastrointestinal secretion and motility as well as endoscopic research. Fellows rotating through the VA participate in regular conferences, including the Monday morning lecture series, pathology conferences and the all-site Friday morning core curriculum series (all fellows attend no matter their location). They also attend the bi-weekly Thursday Clinical Case Conference and the Friday GI Journal Club at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center via video conference. Separate hepatology clinics round out the experience in addition to general gastroenterology. They also attend the Wednesday clinical conference and the Friday GI journal club at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center
One of the two hospital campuses of the UCLA Health System, UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center (281 beds) features outstanding clinical programs for GI fellows. This rotation allows our fellows to manage inpatient consults in general GI, hepatology, and interventional endoscopy services, in the context of a busy, university-based, secondary care community hospital. Additionally, third year clinical fellows participate in the Transition to Practice rotation, where they run the inpatient service as an attending. Fellows rotating through Santa Monica participate in the Friday morning core curriculum series (all fellows attend no matter their location). They can also attend the bi-weekly Thursday clinical case conference and the Friday GI Journal Club at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center via video conference.

Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
The Harbor-UCLA Medical Center is a county hospital complex in Torrance, California, with 570 beds and which has been affiliated with the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA since the 1960's. It serves a population of two million people that includes the broadest possible mix of ethnic and socio-economic groups. The GI service at Harbor is also closely associated with pediatric gastroenterology which allows first-hand experience in a diagnosis and treatment of pediatric patients with GI disease. Harbor-UCLA is nationally recognized for its excellence in biliary endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasound programs, and fellows have extensive opportunities to learn about cutting edge technologies in this burgeoning field of gastroenterology. Fellows participate in the med-surg and pathology conferences, journal club and the Friday morning core curriculum series.

Olive View-UCLA Medical Center
Olive View-UCLA Medical Center in Sylmar, California, is a 377-bed state-of-the-art facility operating since 1987. The Olive View experience stresses independent critical thinking and personal responsibility. The focus of the educational experience is on using clinical skills and judgment in conjunction with information from the literature to make medical decisions. Fellows benefit from excellent teaching, hands-on experience in all aspects of consult management, and a wide variety of patients who oftentimes have advanced disease. Fellows participate in the pathology conference as well as the Friday morning core curriculum series.