Robert Hamilton

Graduate Researcher (PDF) >
[email protected]
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
Department of Neurosurgery
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
10833 Le Conte Avenue, CHS 74-145
Box 956901
Los Angeles, CA 90095-6901
M.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, 2009
B.S. Biomedical Engineering, Washington University in Saint Louis, 2008
B.A. Mathematics, College of Idaho, 2008
Combination of overnight ICP monitoring with CSF flow study to better predict patient response to shunt.
Journal Papers
- N. Gonzalez, R. Hamilton, A. Bilgin-Freiert, J. Dusick, P Vespa, X. Hu, S. Asgari. "Cerebral Hemodynamic and Metabolic Effects of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage". Acta Neurochirurgica.
- R. Hamilton, J. Dye, A. Frew, K. Baldwin, X. Hu, and M. Bergsneider, "Quantification of Pulsatile, Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow within in the Prepontine Cistern," Acta Neurochir Suppl, vol. 114, 2011.
- F. Scalzo, R. Hamilton, S. Asgari, S. Kim, X. Hu. "Intracranial Hypertension Prediction using Extremely Randomized Decision Trees". Medical Engineering and Physics. in press, 2011.
- X. Hu, R. Hamilton, K. Baldwin, P. Vespa, M. Bergsneider. "Automated Extraction of Decision Rules for Predicting Lumbar Drain Outcome by Analyzing Overnight Intracranial Pressure". Acta Neurochir Suppl, vol. 114, In press, 2011.
- S. Kim, X. Hu, D. McArthur, R. Hamilton, M. Bergsneider, T. Glenn, N. Martin, and P. Vespa, "Inter-Subject Correlation Exists Between Morphological Metrics of Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity and Intracranial Pressure Pulses," Neurocrit Care, Dec 7 2010.
- S. Asgari, M. Bergsneider, R. Hamilton, P. Vespa, and X. Hu, "Consistent Changes in Intracranial Pressure Waveform Morphology Induced by Acute Hypercapnic Cerebral Vasodilatation," Neurocrit Care, Oct 2010
- M. Kasprowicz, S. Asgari, M. Bergsneider, M. Czosnyka, R. Hamilton, and X. Hu, "Pattern recognition of overnight intracranial pressure slow waves using morphological features of intracranial pressure pulse," J Neurosci Methods, vol. 190, pp. 310-8, Jul 2010.
Conference and Workshop Papers
- R. Hamilton. P. Xu, S. Asgari, M. Kasprowicz, P. Vespa, M. Bergsneider, X Hu. "Forecasting Plateau Waves Based on Prescient Changes of Intracranial Pressure Waveform Morphology". IEEE Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2009.
Book Chapters
- F. Scalzo, R. Hamilton, and X. Hu. "Real-time analysis of intracranial pressure waveform morphology", in Neurological Disorders:I-Tech Education and Publishing, 2011, ISBN978-953-307-799-4
- R. Hamilton, J. Dye, F. Scalzo, X. Hu, M. Bergsneider. "Imoact of Shunt Treatment on CSF Dynamics within Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Population: a Phase Contrast MRI Study". European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, 2011, Italy
- R. Hamilton, J. Dye, A. Frew, K. Baldwin, X. Hu, M. Bergsneider. "Comparison of Pre- and Post-operative intervention on CSF Pulsatile Dynamics in Patients with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus". ICP Conference, 2010, Tubingen, Germany
- X. Hu, R. Hamilton, D. McArthur, P. Vespa, M. Bergsneider. "Predicting Gait Responses of NPH Patients to Extended CSF Lumbar Drainage Using Pre-Drain Overnight ICP Recording". ICP Conference, 2010, Tubingen, Germany.
- Hamilton R, "Quantification of Pulsatile CSF Dynamics in Patients with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus", ICP Conference, 2010, Tubingen, Germany.
- Hamilton R, "Quantification of Pulsatile, Prepontine Cisternal Cerebrospinal Fluid Volumetric Flow ", ICP Conference, 2010, Tubingen, Germany.