Donate Now (Support Skeletal Dysplasia Research)
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Support Skeletal Dysplasia Research at UCLA

The ISDR is supported through a variety of federal grants and private donations. Your contribution, of any size, will help us continue to offer this service and perform the research necessary to enhance our ability to diagnose and treat skeletal disorders.
We hope that you will consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the ISDR to allow us to continue this important job. You will receive an official receipt for your tax returns.
Our Tax ID number is 95-6006143.
Any contribution that you can make would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!
For questions, please contact:
Program Coordinator: Alisa Zargaryan
Phone: 310-825-8998
E-mail: [email protected]
International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry
Attn: Alisa Zargaryan
615 Charles E. Young Drive, South, Room 410
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7358