Application Process
The UCLA Department of Radiological Sciences participates in the Electronic Resident Application Service (ERAS) and the Match.
Because of the large number of applicants each year, only a limited number can be granted interviews. Completed applications with the exception of the medical school Dean's letter must be received by October 31, approximately twenty-one months before the desired starting date. Positions are filled through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

Applicants must have one-year accredited clinical training in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery or surgical specialties, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neurology, Family Practice, Emergency Medicine, transitional year, or any combination of these.
This clinical year should be the first post- graduate year. No more than a total of three months may be spent in Radiology, Radiation Oncology, and/or Pathology. All clinical training must be in an ACGME-, AOA-, or RCPSC-approved program (or equivalent). Internships (PGY-1) are not offered by the Department and must be independently obtained.
The Medical Board of California imposes severe restrictions on the ability to appoint residents who have had their education in foreign medical schools. Residents cannot be appointed unless they are eligible (Evaluation Status Letter) or are already licensed in the State of California.
At this time, the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA accepts ECFMG J-1 clinical visas and F-1 visas. H-1 visas are only accepted if the applicant has graduated from a U.S. medical school. Each applicant is reviewed on a case-by- case basis. For information concerning licensure, please contact the Medical Board at (916) 263-2382 or visit their website at
Application Package sent through ERAS includes:
- Common application form (CAF)
- Personal statement
- Medical school transcripts
- Three (3) letters of recommendation
- USMLE Step 1; only passing scores will be considered
- Medical school Dean's Letter
- Recent photo
International medical graduates must submit ECFMG Status Report in addition to the above documents.
Due Date: Applications are accepted through October 31.
Contact Information
Lupita Perez
Residency Coordinator
[email protected]
(310) 267-8797 phone
(310) 267-2059 fax
Mailing Address
757 Westwood Blvd. Suite 1638
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7437