Orthopaedic & Spine Pre Op Class Pharmacy Information

  • Review your current medications including over- the -counter medications, herbal supplements, vitamins and make sure your surgeon is aware of all the medications you take at the earliest date
  • Make sure your surgeon knows about any allergies or adverse reactions (such as rash or stomach upset) you have had to medications

After Surgery

  • Antibiotics: you may receive intravenous antibiotics after your surgery to prevent an infection
  • Pain Medication: you will be given a medication to control pain. Pain medication may be oral, IV, Patient controlled IV (PCA), patient controlled epidural aka spinal (PCEA), or nerve block. Regardless of the medication you receive immediately after surgery, your surgeon will transition you to oral medication prior to discharge.
  • Medications to prevent:
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Constipation
    • Insomnia
    • Blood clots
      If you receive the blood thinner Coumadin after surgery, you will receive information about food-drug interaction with that drug
  • Vitamins
  • Acid blocker

At Home

  • Your doctor may prescribe medication for you at home:
    • To control your pain
    • To prevent constipation
    • To prevent blood clots

Please refer to the "Admission Medication History form".

If you have any questions about this portion of the website, please contact us at [email protected]