Kevin M. Miller, MD


Kevin Miller, MD

Kevin M. Miller, MD

Dr. Miller's office telephone number is (310) 206-9951.

Dr. Miller is chief of the Cataract and Refractive Surgery Division and director of the Anterior Segment Diagnostic Laboratory at UCLA. He has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. He was fellowship trained in ophthalmic optics at the Wilmer Eye Institute of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He has performed thousands of vision correction procedures since 1992 including RK, PRK, LASIK, ICL implantation, clear lens replacement, and a variety of enhancement procedures. He enjoys helping patients reduce or eliminate their need for glasses and contact lenses.

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Dr. Miller’s office telephone number is (310) 206-9951. Fax: (310) 825-6919.
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Dr. Miller creates a LASIK flap using a Zeiss VisuMax femtosecond laser. He uses the same laser to perform SMILE.
Dr. Miller creates a LASIK flap using a Zeiss VisuMax femtosecond laser. He uses the same laser to perform SMILE.
Dr. Miller performs an excimer laser ablation after lifting a LASIK flap. He uses the same Alcon WaveLight EX500 laser to perform PRK.
Dr. Miller performs an excimer laser ablation after lifting a LASIK flap. He uses the same Alcon WaveLight EX500 laser to perform PRK.

Staff optometrists who evaluate patients for Dr. Miller.

Carolyn Duong, OD
Carolyn Duong, OD

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