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The vision of the research pillar of the Integrative Medicine Collaborative is to provide leadership in developing research and mentoring to the Integrative Medicine community at UCLA. The ongoing research studies will be listed on the IMC website to serve as resource for referrals for patients and clinicians.

- Neural basis for positive effects of breathing on emotional state
- A Phase III Randomized Trial Targeting Behavioral Symptoms in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors
- Mindfulness Meditation and Insomnia in Alzheimer Disease Caregivers: Inflammatory and Biological Aging Mechanisms
- Mentoring and research in translational neuroscience of integrative medicine
- DBP and the bioavailability and function of vitamin D
- Impact of ethnicity in the gut microbiome in response to oral vitamin D replacement
- Role of GPR120 and Macrophages in Dietary Omega-3 Fatty Acid Inhibition of Prostate Cancer
- Targeting diet-induced promotion of Kras-initiated pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- Reverse Mitochondrial Genetics Enabled by Blast
Tai Chi
- Brain connectivity and response to Tai Chi in geriatric depression (project no.04S1) | (
- Mentoring and research in translational neuroscience of integrative medicine
- Alcohol, HIV, and Bio-Behavioral Research Conference Series
- An RCT to Improve the South African Government's Community Health Workers' Capacities to Deliver Evidence-based Interventions for Optimizing HIV Outcomes and Reducing its Comorbidities
- Regenerative Musculoskeletal Medicine Training Program
- Engineering Precision Medicine to Enhance Graft-Versus-Lymphoma Effect
- A laboratory-based hypnosis intervention on psychophysiological markers of pain responsivity in adolescents with and without sickle cell disease
- 1/3 Building Integrative CNS Networks for Genomic Analysis of Autism
- The UCLA HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse, and Trauma Training Program
- Promoting Adherence to Anti-hypertensive Medications and Lifestyle Guidelines through Mindfulness Practice
- A Phase III Randomized Trial Targeting Behavioral Symptoms in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors
- Mindfulness Meditation and Insomnia in Alzheimer Disease Caregivers: Inflammatory and Biological Aging Mechanisms
- Targeting maladaptive responding to negative affect in adolescent cannabis users

- Biobehavioral predictors of fatigue in newly-diagnosed breast cancer patients
- Late life sleep disturbances: Effects on cell stress, telomerase, inflammation
- A Randomized Trial for Sleep Disturbances to Reverse Cellular Aging
- Biobehavioral Issues in Physical and Mental Health
- MSM and Substances Cohort at UCLA Linking Infections Noting Effects (MASCULINE)
- Behavioral and inflammatory responses to stress: Implications for depression in youth exposed to adversity
- Translational Research of Biobehavioral Mechanisms in Cancer Control
- Interdisciplinary Research Network on Early Adversity & Later Life Reversibility (project no.05S1) | (project no.05)
- Gene-brain-environment interactions as determinants of typical and atypical developmental trajectories
- Biobehavioral Research Approaches to reduce Effects of Trauma on Mental and Physical Health and Cognitive Outcomes in South Africa
- Psychopathology and Life Stress Effects on Neural Dynamics Supporting Emotion Inhibition
Integrative Medicine
- The Feasibility of Songwriting as Stress Management for Parents of Hospitalized Children
- CURE: Digestive Diseases Research Center
- DHA Reverses Gene Network Signatures of Fructose-induced Metabolic Syndrome Project 04S1 | Project 04
- Mentoring and research in translational neuroscience of integrative medicine
- 2018 International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health
- UCLA Training Program in the Translational Neuroscience of Drug Abuse (TNDA)
- Developmental Trajectories and Autism Risk in NICU Graduates: A Longitudinal Study of Brain and Behavior
- Randomized Controlled Trial of Acupressure for Health-Related Quality of Life and Perception of Stress Among Health Care Providers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Shared Decision Making Intervention for Diabetes Prevention in Women with a History of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus