“I went in for my annual mammogram, and they saw a calcification,” recalls Marjan Shokri, who was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. She chose the UCLA Breast Center, Santa Monica for treatment. “I had two biopsies because the MRI showed one more calcium deposit closer to my nipple. The options were to keep going into my right breast and keep doing lumpectomies, or to opt for a mastectomy with reconstructive surgery at the same time.
Dr. Amy Kusske and her team took my care to another level. They did everything for me. Everything was scheduled, and everything was taken care of. Everyone knows that UCLA Health is top-notch, but what people don’t realize is the way these doctors and nurses take care of a patient. The way they treat you is amazing.”
Learn more about the UCLA Breast Health Center: www.uclahealth.org/breasthealth/