My Journey

Its been a year since I’ve had surgery with dr. Yeh. I was referred by my endocrinologist who found cancer on my thyroid. The surgery and immediate recovery was a little difficult because I don’t react well to anesthesia. I couldn’t laugh because I couldn’t move my neck. Within 3 weeks I was back at work and now I don’t even a scar at all, It doesn’t bother me at all, one day I was emotional and thought this type of cancer and I see it every day in the morning and there was a constant reminder that I had cancer. I saw Dr. Yeh for a follow up post-surgery and he told me the tumor was encapsulated and my lymph nodes was clear which was a relief. I feel good and feel so much better. A year ago I felt something as wrong and I would go to primary care doctor. I always tell people go with your gut and advocate for yourself. A year later here I am and everything’s clear. It was a life changing experience, because I have 3 boys who are very active and I appreciate life more and see things in a different way. Super fortunate and grateful that I was led to Dr. Yeh. UCLA medical and the whole team involved was so impressive with the phone calls and emails. The whole thing went smoothly and then I was home before I knew it.