Adopt-A-Family Program

Adopt-a-Family Program Helps Families in Need
Every holiday season, UCLA Health Auxiliary coordinates the Adopt-a-Family Program. The UCLA Department of Care Coordination and Clinical Social Work, as well as medical staff, nominate patient families who are facing significant medical challenges and economic difficulties to receive gift cards for gas, food, clothing and other necessities.
When the program started more than 20 years ago, the Auxiliary accepted a range of donations, including clothing and toys. “Recipients appreciated the gifts, but were often more in need of essentials,” says Rachel Dourec, chair of the Adopt-a-Family Program. To better meet the needs of patient families, the Auxiliary now accepts only monetary donations.
We have launched the 2022 campaign and are asking for your generous support. Your involvement can make a significant difference in helping us bring some holiday cheer to our patients and their families. Contributions to the Adopt-a-Family program for the 2022 holiday season will be accepted through December 28, 2022.
To make a tax-deductible, monetary contribution, please send a check payable to "Adopt-a-Family" to:
UCLA Health Auxiliary
1001 Gayley Ave.
Floor 2, Room 17
Los Angeles, CA 90024