ADPKD is caused by a faulty gene, which is usually inherited from a parent. If you have ADPKD, there is a one in two (50%) chance your child will inherit the disease. Similarly, there is a one in two (50%) chance that they will have normal kidneys. The risk is the same for every child you have.

Sometimes, a child can have ADPKD even though neither of their parents do. This happens when a new gene fault develops in a child. However, this is much rarer.

Most children with ADPKD don't have symptoms that cause problems. Their kidney cysts are only just beginning and there is plenty of normal kidney tissue to filter their blood.

Some do have problems though, and these include:

  • Pain in the sides or back
  • Urine infections
  • Kidney stones
  • Passing more urine than normal (this can happen even with small cysts)
  • Blood in the urine
  • About a quarter of children with ADPKD get high blood pressure, but this usually doesn't cause symptoms. It is important that your child's blood pressure is monitored and treated if it becomes high.

There are some signs that a child might have ADPKD that will process more quickly. These include having enlarged kidneys or high blood pressure. Therefore, routine monitoring of the disease progression is crucial.

Disclaimer: The UCLA Health System cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information. The information is provided without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Please speak to your Physician before making any changes.