Ethics Fellowship Program

UCLA Health Ethics Center's primary commitment is to the promotion of excellence in patient care. Given the value-laden nature of healthcare, this excellence can only be achieved in care environments where moral insight, sensitivity and commitment flourish. Our 2-year Clinical Ethics Fellowship Program exists to educate and train gifted individuals who share this vision.
Our fellows commit to a demanding clinical schedule, providing supervised clinical ethics consultation, on call coverage, education throughout the UCLA Health system, assistance in developing policies, service as a member of three ethics committees and a participating in research projects and individual scholarship.
Given the volume and complexity of UCLA ethics consultation (which includes transplant medicine, trauma surgery, oncology, emergency medicine, psychiatry, neurology, neonatology, pediatrics and gerontology), our close relationship with various academic departments at the university and the intensive individual mentorship and thorough assessment built into our program, we believe that it provides our fellows with an unrivalled opportunity to acquire and refine the full range of skills necessary to offer ethics consultation on a professional basis.
It is our confident expectation that those who graduate from our program will be uniquely placed both nationally and internationally to assume the responsibilities of leadership in clinical ethics as it emerges as a fully professional practice.
Admission Criteria
The successful candidate must have a PhD in bioethics/health care ethics or in philosophical ethics with a bioethics related dissertation.
Preference will be given to candidates with teaching experience in ethics at university-level and a demonstrated record of ethics publication in peer review journals.
The successful candidate must have a strong aptitude for clinical ethics, commitment to the professionalization of clinical ethics, and be able to demonstrate significant potential to become a leader in the field. The ability to integrate cross-cultural care, end-of-life/palliative care, psychosocial and spiritual care into clinical care is critical to this role. We are searching for a compassionate and empathic professional with excellent interpersonal skills who is able to utilize critical and creative thinking in navigating complex ethical issues. A commitment to collaborative work in a fast-paced environment is essential.

James A. Hynds, LL.B., Ph.D
Current Fellows

Senior Fellow
Max Kramer, PhD (2023-2025)

Junior Fellow
Katie Wong, PhD (2024-2026)
Former Fellows

Dylan Manson, PhD (2022-2024) Clinical Ethicist Providence-Swedish facilities throughout the Puget Sound.

Joanna Smolenski, PhD (2021-2023)
Assistant Professor
Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Baylor College of Medicine

Daniel E. Callies, PhD (2020-2022)
Clinical Ethicist
Manager of the Clinical Ethics Program
University of California San Diego Health System

Allison M. McCarthy, PhD (2019-2021)
Core Faculty, Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Matthew F. Shea, PhD (2018-2020)
Assistant Professor of Philosophy (Bioethics)
University of Steubenville
Editorial Advisory Board Journal of Medicine and Philosophy

Valerye M. Milleson, PhD, MS (2017-2018)
Director of Ethics Integration for Ascension
Florida/Gulf Coast & Ascension Alabama

John W. Frye III, PhD, MA (2017-2019)
Clinical Bioethicist at Sutter Health
Marie-Josée Potvin, PhD (2015-2017)

Joseph Raho, PhD (2014-2016)
Clinical Ethicist
UCLA Health Ethics Center
Vice Chair, UCLA Santa Monica Ethics Committee
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Tyler S. Gibb, JD, PhD (2013-2015)
Associate Professor
Co-Chair, Department of Medical Ethics
Humanities & Law at Western Michigan University Homer

Kevin M. Dirksen, M.Div., M.Sc. (2011-2013)
Regional Director for Ethics and Honzel Endowed
Chair in Applied Health Care Ethics
Providence Center for Health Care Ethics
Portland, Oregon
Publications by Fellows
Max F. Kramer, PhD (2023-2025)
- Kramer, Max F. (2024). Prospects for Engineering Personhood. American Journal of Bioethics 24(1), 69-71.
- Kramer, Max F. (2024). The Perceived Morality of Love Drugs: Why Mechanisms Might (and Should) Matter. AJOB Neuroscience.
Dylan Manson, PhD (2022-2024)
- “Eco-sabotage as Defensive Activism,” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
- "Against an Inflexible, Prioritized List for Default Surrogate Selection," Journal of Clinical Ethics 34:4 (2023).
- “Vaccine Nationalism,” in Fritz Allhoff (ed.), Bioethics: New Directions (Oxford University Press forthcoming).
Joanna Smolenski, PhD (2021-2023)
Daniel E. Callies, PhD (2020-2022)
- “Justifying the Risks of COVID-19 Challenge Trials: The Analogy with Organ Donation,” Bioethics (2021). Co-authors: Athmeya Jayaram & Jacob Sparks.
- “Gene Drive Ethics,” for Rebeca Carballar-Lejarazú (ed.) Mosquito Gene Drives and the Malaria Eradication Agenda, Jenny Stanford Publishing (in print). Co-author: Athmeya Jayaram.
Allison M. McCarthy, PhD (2019-2021)
- Allison M. McCarthy and Dana S. Howard, “Supported Decision-Making: Non-Domination Rather Than Mental Prosthesis”, AJOB Neuroscience
- Daniel A. Wilkenfeld and Allison M. McCarthy, “Ethical Concerns with Applied Behavior Analysis for Autism Spectrum ‘Disorder’”, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 30:1 (2020): 31-69.
Matthew F. Shea, PhD (2018-2020)
- “The Ethics of Choosing a Surrogate Decision Maker When Equal-Priority Surrogates Disagree.” Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 11:1 (2021): 121-131.
- “Principlism’s Balancing Act: Why the Principles of Biomedical Ethics Need a Theory of the Good.” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45:4-5 (2020): 441–470.
- “Forty Years of the Four Principles: Enduring Themes from Beauchamp and Childress.” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45:4-5 (2020): 387–395.
- Edited volume: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Principles of Biomedical Ethics: Essays in Honor of Tom Beauchamp and James Childress, editor (with Jeffrey P. Bishop), special double issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45:4-5 (2020).
- The Quality of Life is Not Strained: Disability, Human Nature, Well-Being, and Relationships.” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 29:4 (2019): 333–366.
John W. Frye III, PhD, MA (2017-2019)
- Frye III, J. W. (2020). Clinical Ethics Informatics: An Initial Survey. Journal of Hospital Ethics, 7(1), 26–35.
- Frye, J. W. (2018). Perverse Effects: How Insufficient Guidance to IPFs Can Undermine Both Research and Health Outcomes of Clinical Trials. In American Journal of Bioethics (Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp. 78–80).
- Milleson, V. M., & Frye, J. W. (2018). Minimally Conscious of Alternatives: Other Decision-Making Models for Recovering MCS Patients. AJOB Neuroscience, 9(1), 67–69.
Valerye M. Milleson, PhD, MS (2017-2018)
- Milleson V. Prioritizing Facts and Values in Immunotherapy Trial Selection: Some Further Guidance. American Journal of Bioethics 18(4): 76-8. 2018.
- Milleson V, Frye JW III. Minimally Conscious of Alternatives: Other Decision-Making Models for Recovering MCS Patients. AJOB Neuroscience 9(1): 67-69. 2018.
Joseph Raho, PhD (2014-2016)
- Raho, “In Whose Best Interests? Critiquing the ‘Family-as-Unit’ Myth in Pediatric Ethics.” In: Peter A. Clark (ed.), Bioethics – Medical, Ethical and Legal Perspectives (Rijeka, InTech: 2016): 145-160.
- Raho and Miccinesi, “Contesting the Equivalency of Continuous Sedation Until Death and Physician-Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia: A Commentary on LiPuma,” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (2015) 40(5): 529-553.
- Miccinesi, Caraceni, Raho, Paci, Bulli, Van den Block, and Giannini, “Careful Monitoring of the Use of Sedative Drugs at the End of Life: The Role of Epidemiology
- Raho, “Palliative Sedation: A Review of the Ethical Debate,” Health Care Ethics USA (2014) 22(3): 15-23.
Tyler S. Gibb, JD, PhD (2013-2015)
- Arora, G.; Gibb, T.S.; Bursch, B.; (2018) “Maintaining Quality of Care for Very Influential Patients,” The Clinical Teacher 15(2):175-177. doi:10.1111/tct.12676
- Gibb, T.J., Gondhalekar, A., Gibb, T.S.; (2015) “Bed Bugs & Society: Will bed bugs hurt me?” Pest Management Professional, 3-Part Series
- Gibb, T.S.; (2015) “Kansas State Senate Bill Seeks to Declare Surrogacy Contracts Against Public Policy,” Voices in Bioethics, 1
Kevin M. Dirksen, M.Div., M.Sc. (2011-2013)
- Hynds and Dirksen, "Capacity: About Autonomy or Authorization?" AJOB Neuroscience, Volume 4, Issue 4 (2013).
- Dirksen, "The Existential Question in Palliative Sedation: Reply to Putnam et al.", Journal of Pain & Symptom Management, Volume 45, Number 5 (2013).
- Dirksen, "Dissenting on the Matter of Assent", AJOB Neuroscience, Volume 4, Issue 1 (2013).
- Dirksen, "The Historical Roots of Personalism: Borden Parker Bowne & the Boston Tradition on Personal Identity and the Moral Life", Bijdragen: International Journal in Philosophy & Theology, Volume 73, Issue 4 (2012).
- Dirksen, "Uncovering the Real Work Behind Policy Development", American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 11 (2012)