little book of being

The Little Book of Being: Practices and Guidance for Uncovering Your Natural Awareness

UCLA Mindful announces the publication of The Little Book of Being: Practices and Guidance for Uncovering Your Natural Awareness by Winston, Director of UCLA Mindful.

This concise and friendly guide takes us through 73 "mini-chapters" that explain natural awareness and help us experience

it via simple and enjoyable explorations to bring welcome moments of peace, connection, and spaciousness to our often distracted and stressful lives.

We invite you to read an exclusive excerpt from the book at

The book is available at your favorite bookseller:

Amazon | Sounds True | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound

Fully Present, The Science, Art, and Practice of Mindfulness

image of Fully Present Book cover

UCLA Mindful announces the publication of Fully Present, The Science, Art, and Practice of Mindfulness by Susan L. Smalley, Ph.D., founder and director of MARC, and Diana Winston, Director of UCLA Mindful.

Fully Present brings together the cutting edge science of mindfulness with clear explanations of how mindfulness works and practices to make it part of your daily life.

View additional Fully Present videos

The book is available at your favorite bookseller:

Amazon | Sounds True | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound

Wide Awake: A Buddhist Guide for Teens

wide awake

Many of today's teenagers are tired of the pressure to compete and consume-and are looking for a different way to live their lives. This book offers an alternative: the 2,500-year old practice of Buddhism.

Written in a style that will have immediate appeal to young "seekers" and those wanting to understand the ancient teachings, this book addresses such relevant topics as peer pressure, emotional difficulties, stress, fostering peace, and even protecting the environment. For everyone looking for self-help, self-esteem, and self-awareness, this book offers advice on:

  • Discovering truth in a world of hype
  • Finding peace amid the ups and downs of life
  • Accepting ourselves
  • Working with difficult emotions
  • How to meditate
  • Dealing with temptations and making the right decisions about sex and drugs
  • Advice on volunteering, working for peace, and protecting the environment

The book is available at your favorite bookseller:

Amazon | Sounds True | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound

Glimpses of Being: A Training Course In Expanding Mindful Awareness

Glimpses of Being

An immersive audio course for exploring the full spectrum of mindfulness—from focused to natural awareness.

Explore the full spectrum of mindfulness.
Many of us have tried mindfulness meditation: where we concentrate closely on the breath or other object of attention. "But awareness spans a much wider domain," teaches Diana Winston.

In contrast to effortful and focused practice lies natural awareness - a state of peace, connection, and ease. If you've ever been absorbed in the flow of a sport, a walk in nature, or an artistic activity, then you've had a taste of this effortless and expansive experience.

With Glimpses of Being, this pioneering meditation teacher invites us to explore the full landscape of presence, with a special emphasis on natural awareness.
Here, you'll first learn about the wide range of mindfulness practices, from focused to flexible to natural awareness. Then, through an engaging variety of guided meditations, Winston helps us to experience them firsthand.

"With awareness, no practice is 'better' or 'superior,'" she explains. "Each one is helpful for different times and complements the others."


  • Session one: "The Spectrum of Awareness"
  • Session two: "Focused Awareness"
  • Session three: "Flexible Awareness, Part 1 - Investigative Awareness"
  • Session four: "Flexible Awareness, Part 2 - Choiceless Awareness"
  • Session five: "Natural Awareness"
  • Session six: "Natural Awareness in Daily Life"

For beginners, seasoned practitioners, and even those who've struggled with conventional mindfulness meditation, these supportive sessions open the way to illuminating new realms of being - and show us how to create our own foundation for lifelong discovery, enjoyment, and transformation. 

The audiobook is available at your favorite audio bookseller:

Amazon | Sounds True *| Audible

*Sounds True: Discount code for 20% off Glimpses of Being is "MARC2021"

Enjoy the Glimpses of Being Celebration with Michael and Jahna on the singing bowls: