Current Publications: 

  1. Peng Y.R.*, James-Esposito R.E.*, Yan W., Kay J.N., Kolodkin A.L., Sanes J.R. Binary fate choice between closely related interneuronal types is determined by a Fezf1-dependent postmitotic transcriptional switch. Neuron 105, 1-11,
  1. Peng Y.R.*, Shekhar K.*, Yan W., Herrmann D., Sappington A., Bryman G.S., Van Zyl T., Do. M.T.H., Regev A., Sanes, J.R. Molecular classification and comparative taxonomics of foveal and peripheral cells in primate retina. Cell 179, 1222-1237, 2019. (*equal contribution, cover story)
  1. Duan X., Krishnaswamy A., Laboulaye M.A., Liu J., Peng Y.R., Yamagata M., Toma K., Sanes J.R. Cadherin Combinations Recruit Dendrites of Distinct Retinal Neurons to a Shared Interneuronal Scaffold. Neuron 99, 1145–1154, 2018.
  1. Peng Y.R., Tran M.N., Krishnaswamy A., Kostadinov D., Martersteck E.M., Sanes J.R. Satb1 regulates contactin 5 to pattern dendrites of a mammalian retinal ganglion cell. Neuron 95 (4): 869-883, 2017. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000)
  1. Peng Y.R.*, Hou Z.H.*, Yu X. The kinase activity of EphA4 mediates homeostatic scaling-down of synaptic strength via activation of Cdk5. Neuropharmacology 65:232-43, 2013. (*equal contribution)
  1. Peng Y.R.*, Zeng S.Y.*, Song H.L., Li M.Y., Yamada M.K., Yu X. Postsynaptic spiking homeostatically induces cell-autonomous regulation of inhibitory inputs via retrograde signaling. Journal of Neuroscience 30(48):16220-31, 2010 (*equal contribution, cover story).
  1. Peng Y.R., He S, Marie H, Zeng S.Y., Ma J, Tan Z.J., Lee S.Y., Malenka R.C., Yu X. Coordinated changes in dendritic arborization and synaptic strength during neural circuit development. Neuron 61(1):71-84, 2009. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000)

Preprints in submission

  1. Yan W.*, Peng Y.R.*, van Zyl T.*, Regev A., Shekhar K., Juric D., Sanes J.R. Cell atlas of the human fovea and peripheral retina. bioRxiv 2020.02.11.943779; doi: (*equal contribution)
  1. Van Zyl T.*, Yan W.*, McAdams A., Peng Y.R., Shekhar K., Regev A., Juric D., Sanes J.R. Cell atlas of aqueous human outflow pathways in eyes of humans and four model species provides insights into glaucoma pathogenesis. bioRxiv 2020.02.04.933911; doi: