Program Schedule
2020 Research Conference on Aging
More information will be posted regarding the 2020 Research Conference on Aging in Spring of 2020. Please check back then for more details, or explore the schedule and programs from previous years.
May 29, 2019 | 8:00am - 12:30pm
UCLA Geffen Hall, B-36 (B-Level)
885 Tiverton Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Time | Event |
8:00 AM | Check-In & Breakfast |
8:15 AM | Poster Session I | Exhibit Hour |
9:15 AM | Introduction Jonathan Wanagat, MD, David Reuben, MD, and Gary Small, MD |
9:30 AM | Sleep, Inflammation, and Depression in Older Adults Joshua Hyong-Jin Cho, MD, PhD, MSc, FAPA |
9:50 AM | Sleeping Pill Discontinuation Strategies Constance Fung, MD, MSHS |
10:10 AM | The Generation Xchange Program: Preliminary Evidence of the Health & Well-being Benefits to Older Adults from Intergenerational Engagement Teresa Seeman, PhD |
10:30 AM | Poster Session II | Exhibit Hour |
11:30 AM | Caregivers of Persons with Dementia Zaldy Tan, MD, MPH |
12:00 PM | Los Angeles Aging Research Alliance (LAARA): The UCLA/USC Pepper Center Sean Curran, PhD |
12:30 PM | Closing Remarks |
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