Recent Publications (selected)

  • Bacchetta J, Sea JL, Chun RF, Lisse TS, Wesseling-Perry K, Gales B, Adams JS, Salusky IB, Hewison M. FGF23 inhibits extra-renal synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in human monocytes Journal of Bone and Mineral Research [ePub ahead of print].
  • Chun RF, Peercy B, Sherman A, Adams JS, Hewison M (2012) Vitamin D binding protein and monocyte response to 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D: analysis by mathematical modeling. PLoS1 7: e30773.
  • Fabri M, Stenger S, Shin DM, Yuk JM, Liu PT, Realegeno S, Lee HM, Krutzik SR, Schenk M, Sieling PA, Teles R, Montoya D, Iyer SS, Bruns H, Lewinsohn DM, Hollis BW, Hewison M, Adams JS, Steinmeyer A, Zügel U, Cheng G, Jo EK, Bloom BR, Modlin RL (2011) Vitamin D Is Required for IFN-{gamma}-Mediated Antimicrobial Activity of Human Macrophages.  Science Translational Medicine 3:104ra102.
  • Liu NQ, Kaplan AT, Lagishetty V, Ouyang YB, Ouyang Y, Simmons CF, Equils O, Hewison M (2011) Vitamin D and the regulation of placental inflammation.  Journal of Immunology 186:5968-74.
  • Lisse TS, Liu T, Irmler M, Beckers J, Chen H, Adams JS, Hewison M (2010) Gene targeting by the vitamin D response element binding protein reveals a role for vitamin D in osteoblast mTOR signaling.  FASEB Journal 25:937-947.
  • Lagishetty V, Misharin AV, Liu NQ, Lisse TS, Chun RF, Ouyang Y, McLachlan SM, Adams JS, Hewison M (2010) Vitamin D-deficiency in mice impairs colonic antibacterial activity and predisposes to colitis. Endocrinology 151: 2423-2432.
  • Chun RF, Lauridsen AL, Suon L, Zella LA, Pike JW, Modlin RL, Adams JS and Hewison M (2010) Vitamin D binding protein directs monocyte responses to 25-hydroxy- and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D.  Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95:3368-3376.
  • Jeffrey L, Burke F, Mura M, Qureshi OS, Hewison M, Walker LSK, Lammas DA, Raza K and Sansom DM (2010)  1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and interleukin-2 combine to inhibit inflammatory T cell differentiation and promote development of regulatory T cells expressing CTLA-4 and FoxP3.  Journal of Immunology 183:5458-5467.
  • Edfelt K, Liu P, Chun R, Fabri M, Schenk M, Wheelwright M, Krutzik S, Adams JS, Hewison M, Modlin RL (2010)  T cell cytokines differentially control human monocyte antimicrobial responses by regulating vitamin D metabolism.  PNAS 107:22593-22598.
  • Adams JS, Ren S, Liu PT, Chun RF, Lagishetty V, Gombart AF, Borregaard N, Modlin RL, Hewison M (2009) Vitamin D-directed rheostatic regulation of monocyte antibacterial responses. Journal of Immunology 182:4289-4295.
  • Montoya D, Cruz D, Teles RM, Lee DJ, Ochoa MT, Krutzik SR, Chun R, Schenk M, Zhang X, Ferguson BG, Burdick AE, Sarno EN, Rea TH, Hewison M, Adams JS, Cheng G, Modlin RL (2009) Divergence of macrophage phagocytic and antimicrobial programs in leprosy.  Cell Host and Microbe 6:343-353.
  • Liu N, Kaplan AT, Low J, Nguyen L, Liu GY, Equils O, Hewison M (2009) Vitamin D induces innate antibacterial responses in human trophoblasts via an intracrine pathway. Biology of Reproduction 80:398–406.
  • Misharin A, Hewison M, Chen CR, Lagishetty V, Aliesky HA, Mizutori Y, Rapoport B, McLachlan SM (2009) Vitamin D deficiency modulates Graves' hyperthyroidism induced in BALB/c mice by thyrotropin receptor immunization. Endocrinology 150:1051-1060.
  • Zehnder D, Quinkler M, Eardley KS, Lepenies J, Hughes SV, Howie AJ, Cockwell P, Stewart PM, Hewison M (2008) Inhibition of the vitamin D hormonal system in kidney disease is associated with increased renal inflammation and scarring. Kidney International 74:1343-1353.
  • Krutzik S, Hewison M, Liu PT, Robles JA, Stenger S, Adams JS, Modlin RL (2008) IL-15 mediates the convergence of TLR-induced macrophage differentiation and a vitamin D-dependent anti-microbial pathway. Journal of Immunology 181:7115-7120.

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