2023 Symposium
10th Annual UCLA Children's Discovery and Innovation Institute Symposium:

"The Science of Cannabis Across the Developmental Spectrum: From Intrauterine to Young Adult"
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
The 10th Annual UCLA Children’s Discovery and Innovation Institute (CDI) Symposium was hosted at UCLA on May 17, 2023 to generate cross-campus collaborations to advance translational child health research. The UCLA CDI Institute is the research home of the Pediatrics Department and was established in 2013. The CDI Institute encourages multidisciplinary child health research and training at UCLA across the spectrum of basic, translational, clinical and health services research. The 2023 Symposium featured invited speakers, Shaun Hussain, MD, MS, Ziva Cooper, PhD, Doris Trauner, PhD, Kent Hutchison, PhD, and Kevin Gray, MD.