UCLA Intervention Program

Encouraging individual developmental progress while having fun

About Us

The UCLA Intervention Program believes in and respects the uniqueness and potential of each child. Our goals are:

  • To provide educational and therapeutic services which promote the development and quality of life for children and families
  • To assist parents and extended family members as they adapt to and plan for the unique needs of their young child.

Contact Us

Please contact us to find out when our next tour is being held:

UCLA Intervention Program
1000 Veteran Avenue, Suite 23-10
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1797

Phone: 310-825-4821
Fax: 310-206-7744

Mother with infant

Our Programs

  • Play-based, so children are relaxed, engaged, and motivated to show the full range of their skills and abilities
  • Child-directed, so it encourages spontaneity and creativity and is easy to use in home-based settings
  • Strength-focused, assessing what children can do instead of what they cannot
  • Parent-friendly, providing ongoing support, guidance, and information tailored to each family’s unique needs

Get in Touch

To find out more about our UCLA Intervention Program services, call 310-825-4821.