Contact UCLA Behavioral Health Associates

Find your care

Our behavioral health clinics are designed to support your well-being. In order to provide coordinated care, we must have a referral from your primary care physician to schedule an appointment. Call 310-301-7396 to learn more about our services.

Call 9-1-1 when there is a life-threatening emergency that requires the immediate response of emergency services such as police, fire or paramedic.

UCLA BHA Offices

Appointments, general information
310-301-7396 Phone
310-828-5165 Fax

Office Hours
8am - 5pm, Monday to Friday


How do I make an appointment?
Patients must obtain a referral through their UCLA primary care physician before scheduling an appointment with Behavioral Health Associates. Once you have the referral, please call 310-301-7396 to scheduled an appointment.

How do I get a UCLA Primary Care Physician?
Call physician referral team at 1-800-UCLA-MD1 (1-310-825-2631) and one of their representatives will help you find a physician.

What’s the difference in psychiatry vs psychotherapy treatments at UCLA BHA?

Psychiatric treatment at UCLA Behavioral Health Associates (BHA) is a collaborative model between your primary care provider and your psychiatrist and other treatment members as necessary. UCLA BHA emphasizes brief-treatment.

Psychotherapy is a collaborative treatment process that provides a supportive environment where you can talk openly with a licensed provider who is objective, neutral and non-judgmental. You and your provider can discuss specific goals for therapy.

Psychiatric Emergency Resources

Non-Emergency Police: 1-877-275-5273

Non-Emergency Fire Paramedics: 1-800-688-8000

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Chat feature available on their website:

Psychiatric Mobile Response Team: 1-800-854-7771
Download information (pdf)

The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386