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Our specialists provide a wide range of treatments, including clinical trial therapies. Call 310-825-9011 to learn more about adult congenital heart disease treatment.
Recent Achievements

Dear Friend of the UCLA Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center (ACHDC), As the end of the year approaches, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support of the center’s activities. As director, I am committed to advancing ACHDC’s mission, responding directly to the needs of a growing patient population, leading the way in research, and training the next generation of experts in congenital heart disease (CHD). I am pleased to describe some of our most recent achievements — not only to keep you apprised of our ongoing work, but also to acknowledge the profound impact that your generosity and involvement have on the center.
-Jamil Aboulhosn
ACHA 8th National Conference (October 7 - October 8, 2016)
ACHA's National Conference offer a unique opportunity for the entire adult congenital heart disease community to come together. Patients, families, healthcare providers, and researchers interact, learn and build hope for the future. We hope to see you in Orlando!
Dr. Joseph K. Perloff honored with International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease Lifetime Achievement Award

The ISACHD Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes sustained excellence in leadership and innovation through long-term dedication and contributions to, and achievement in, the care of adults with congenital heart disease. The award was presented at ISACHD's biannual meeting in November 2014, held in Chicago during the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. Dr. Perloff's grandson, Benjamin Lempert accepted the award in his grandfather's honor. View the presentation at the award ceremony (PDF)
It is with great sorrow that we report to you that Professor Joseph K. Perloff, the founding Director of the Ahmanson/UCLA Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center, passed away on the morning of August 18, 2014 at his home in Pacific Palisades, California.

Dr. Perloff was born in New Orleans in December 1924, graduated with an English Major from Tulane University in 1945, and, after serving in the U.S. Navy in the Pacific Theatre in World War II, enrolled in the Biological and Physical Sciences program at the University of Chicago, where he was fortunate to study with such renowned scientists as Enrico Fermi. He then took advantage of the GI Bill, and did his medical training at Louisiana State University, receiving his MD in 1951. Read more about Dr. Joseph K. Perloff
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Ahmanson/UCLA Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center in Joseph K. Perloff's memory. A memorial honoring Joseph K. Perloff, MD will be held on Sunday, 9/28/14 at 11am. For further details, please contact Yvonne Jose at 310-825-2019 or [email protected]
Al Jazeera Reports on Aging Heart

Dr. Jamil Aboulhosn, associate professor of medicine, division of cardiology and director of the Ahmanson-UCLA Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center, was featured on Al Jazeera discussing the clinical implications of aging on the human heart and the potential utility of agents such as a protein called GDF 11 in the treatment of heart disease.
Aboulhosn Awarded Endowed Chair

The Division of Cardiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA has awarded Dr. Jamil Aboulhosn the Streisand/American Heart Association Endowed Chair in Cardiology.
This prestigious endowed chair is intended for the support of a distinguished master clinician-teacher in the field of cardiology and was awarded to Dr. Aboulhosn following a national search and advertisement in the New England Journal of Medicine and other leading medical journals.
In order to be considered, the candidates should be board-certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Diseases and have a national/international reputation as an innovative leader in cardiology. Dr. Aboulhosn was selected from a pool of highly competitive applicants and follows in the footsteps of Drs. Perloff and Child who received a similar honor during their tenure as Directors of the Ahmanson/UCLA Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center.
Faculty Profile: Jeannette Lin, MD has joint appointment

Dr. Jeannette Lin joined our faculty of the Ahmanson/UCLA Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center in July of 2012, after completing a year of advanced fellowship training under the mentorship of both Dr. John Child and Dr. Jamil Aboulhosn. She has a joint appointment with UC Irvine Medical Center and leads their ACHD practice, spending 75% of her time at the UCI campus and 25% of her time here at UCLA.
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You get access to all the same great UCLA doctors and hospitals the world looks to for leading-edge medicine. And now it's available in an affordable, quality healthcare plan that's all about U. Read more
Growth of the interventional catheterization program thanks to a generous grant from the Ahmanson Foundation
This grant supported the development of the congenital Transcatheter and Interventional Technology and Imaging Program over a 3 year period. Now, as we enter our 3rd year, our interventional catheterization laboratory has routinely utilized the 3-dimensional imaging equipment to perform congenital cardiac interventions. The Ahmanson foundation grant is responsible for putting the Ahmanson/UCLA Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center at the forefront of the 3-D imaging revolution, with our innovative interventional catheterization capabilities. We continue to grow as a referral center for other large ACHD centers given our willingness to perform interventions on the sickest patients with the most complex conditions. We have also utilized the grant funding to participate in the IMPACT registry, a national database for congenital catheterization procedures. We have enrolled over 500 patients in this registry thus far and have received data comparing our volume and outcomes to the national median; our volume is higher, our outcomes are significantly better and our complication rates are significantly lower than the national average.
Ahmanson/UCLA Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center Sponsors the 2nd Annual Second Annual Los Angeles Congenital Heart Walk

The Congenital Heart Walk is an ongoing national effort between the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA) and The Children's Heart Foundation (CHF). The walks are designed to raise awareness and vital funds to help address the needs of both the newly diagnosed and long-term survivors of congenital heart disease.