Frequently Asked Questions

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Our experts work with you to achieve your weight loss goals. Call 310-825-8173 to connect with a specialist in our medical weight management program.

See below for the answers to common patient questions related to weight loss

Woman exercising

There is no best answer to this question. Each person varies in what approach will work best for them. It’s important to work with your medical professionals to determine what approach suits your specific weight management goals. Overall, diet and exercise are key pieces to promoting weight loss.

Fat serves as an important energy source to fuel your body. Fat allows your body to absorb certain nutrients, maintain your core temperature, and protect vital organs. Some fats are better than others. It’s important to consume monounsaturated fats or polyunsaturated fats, while limiting saturated and trans fat consumption.

Carbohydrates are the body and brain’s preferred fuel source. All cells and tissues in your body need carbs, however the kind of carbohydrate you consume matters. There are two types of carbs: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates, otherwise called simple carbs, are found in high-sugar food like candy and most processed foods. Fruits also contain simple carbohydrates in the form of fructose. Complex carbohydrates, otherwise called starches, are found in legumes, beans, vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals. It’s important to consume complex carbohydrates while limiting consumption of simple carbohydrates.

The amount your body needs depends on your age, height, weight, physical activity level, ethnicity, weight history, and other factors. 

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Exercise recommendations can be met through 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (5 days per week) or 20-60 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise (3 days per week). Keep in mind that each exercise bout can be different. Try brisk walking or jogging, swimming, cycling, weight training, hiking, or whatever you love to do! It’s important to find an activity that you enjoy to do. Don’t be afraid to mix up your exercise regimen to stay on track and engaged with your fitness goals.